Last Date for Submission of Application is on 13th February, 2023.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Manager, Sr Manager & More - 30 Posts
Job Location - New Delhi, Anugul
Education Qualification :
EPIL, a ‘Mini Ratna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise under the aegis of Ministry of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India, engaged in execution of wide range of multi facet projects on turnkey basis in Power, Steel, Industrial, Civil & Infrastructure Sectors, requires the following Executives on Fixed Term employment basis for initial period of two years extendable maximum upto 4 years having qualification and experience
How to apply:
 Eligible and interested applicants are required to apply only Online through EPI’s Website (Recruitment section) No other means/mode of application will be accepted. The Registration is open from 9.30 AM on 24.01.2023 till 05.00 PM on 13.02.2023
 Before registering the applications at EPI’s website, the applicants should possess the following:
‒ Valid E-mail ID, which should remain valid & active till the completion of selection process;
‒ Scanned copy of latest passport size colour photograph and signature in JPEG format only, having size of 40 KB & 30 KB respectively, for uploading in the application form.
‒ Personal details like date of birth, contact details, address details, category etc;
‒ Details of qualification like year of passing, percentage of marks (in case of applicants having CGPA Scores, equivalent percentage is to be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University / Institute. Applicants will be required to submit a certificate to this effect from the University/ Institute at the time of interview) etc;
‒ Professional details like Company name, period of working, posts held, area of working, pay-scale, salary details etc. (Applicants will be required to produce original certificates to this effect at the time of interview for verification).
‒ The applicants are required to print the application confirmation page for future reference.
‒ The applicants who have already applied and been called for the interview during last one year,they do not need to apply and their applications will be rejected if applied.