Last Date for Submission of Application is on 01st July, 2022.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Clerical Assistant - 18 posts
Job Location - Across India
Education Qualification :
Spices Board invites applications from retired Govt. Employees who have served in the Central/State Govt Departments/ PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/ Commodity Boards for engaging as Clerical Assistants on Contractual basis for a period of two years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is earlier, for deployment in Spices Board, Head Office, Kochi and its outstation offices. Detailed terms and conditions of engagement are attached as Annexure I. The eligibility criteria and other details are as given below:
Method of Selection:
Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview at the respective places by the Board. A panel of the candidates who qualify in the interview will be formed and will be engaged as Clerical Assistants as per the requirement of the Board. Separate panels/rank list will be made for each offices mentioned above and the validity of the panel will be two years and Clerical Assistants, additionally required, will be engaged from the approved panel. Willing retired Govt. Employees who possess the above qualification & experience, good health and are willing to join immediately may submit their applications in the given format (format attached as Annexure II) along with relevant documents in support of qualification and experience to on or before 01.07.2022 The hard copy of the application may be submitted to the Secretary, Spices Board, Kochi on or before 08.07.2022.
Instructions to candidates :
 Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the
post as mentioned above.
 Candidates may send the application as a single PDF attachment in the following order
(a) Annexure-II (b) Educational qualifications(in chronological order) (c) ID proof
(d) Experience certificate(s), (e) Relevant documents, if any.
 Applications, which are not received in the prescribed format i.e. as per Annexure-II of the notification along with the supporting documents will not be considered.
 List of shortlisted candidates for interview will be published in Board’s website. Venue & date of interview will be informed in due course.
 Separate short list/rank list /panel will be prepared for each offices and selection will be made accordingly. Therefore applicants shall carefully select the place of assignment. Once it is selected, that cannot be changed later.
 Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID and mobile number active for receiving communications from the Spices Board.
 In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he/she has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after selection, his/her services are liable to be terminated.
 Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
 The eligibility of applicants with respect to age, qualification etc. will be determined as on 01.07.2022.
 No TA/ DA will be given to candidates who attend the interview.
 Candidates are advised to check notification/opportunities in Board’s website for updates and not to rely on information from 3rd party websites. The selection process shall be conducted as per the COVID-19 protocol/guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.