West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification. WBSETCL inviting applications for the positions of Junior Engineer and More. Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on 05th January, 2022.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Junior Engineer - 400 Posts
Junior Executive - 14 Posts
Qualification Details:
WBSETCL invites online application from the eligible Indian Citizens to fill-up the following vacancies at its different offices through direct recruitment from open market:
1. Name of the Post: Junior Engineer (Electrical) Gr.-II
2. No of Post: 400
3. Pay Scale: LEVEL-6 Rs. 36800/-- Rs. 106700/-
4. Required Qualification: Passed full time 3 years’ Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute/College duly recognized by West Bengal State Council of Technical Education (renamed as West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development)
The age of the applicant should be between 18 to 32 years as on 01.01.2021.
Application Fee:
Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred) for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical)
General Instructions:
1. Candidates should take utmost care in furnishing/providing the correct details while filling-up the online application. They can edit the information before submission of application. However, once the form is submitted, it can't be edited.
2. While applying for the above posts, the applicant must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility criteria including academic and professional qualifications as per the NOTIFICATION and other norms mentioned above as on the specified dates.
3. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false / wrong information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after appointment, his / her service may be terminated.
4. Wherever SGPA/DGPA/CGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application (online) as per norms adopted by University / Institute.
5. Category i.e. SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged / Ex-Serviceman /Meritorious Sportspersons, once entered at the time of online registration, cannot be changed under any circumstances and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
6. Candidates, employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies will have to produce ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ at the time of personal interview otherwise their candidature will not be considered. Candidates may please note that no request for extension of time in this regard will be entertained by WBSETCL for whatever reason it may be.
7. Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected. Intentional suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
8. Applicants will not have to upload any document, pertaining to Date of Birth, Education Details, Work Experience, etc at the time of submission of online application. Issuing of Call Letters for subsequent tests will be purely provisional without Verification of Documents. During the time of verification if it is found that any candidate does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
9. Candidates called for Interview will be required to produce all original documents i.e. Age Proof, Proof of Essential Educational Qualification, Caste Certificate (if applicable), EC Card in original, NOC (if applicable) etc.
10. All applicants are advised to submit application for only one post since it is expected that the date and timing of the online test may be same for all posts.
11. This is to be noted that mere submission of application or receipt of Admit Card / Call Letter or appearance in examination does not guarantee selection / appointment in the respective post. Selection of candidates will be made strictly based on merit position, available vacancy, verification of original documents / certificates and medical test.
12. All information regarding examination schedule / admit card / interview call letters etc. shall be provided through e-mail or uploading on WBSETCL’s website or via SMS. The responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card / interview call letter / any other information shall be of the applicants only.
13. Applicants are advised to check their Email / SMS and visit WBSETCL’s website (www.wbsetcl.in) regularly. WBSETCL will not be responsible for any loss or non-receipt of email due to invalid / wrong e-mail ID provided by the applicant or for delay / non receipt of information if an Applicant fails to access his / her mail / website in time.
14. The E-mail ID & Mobile number should be kept active till the completion of this recruitment process. Mobile No. & E-mail ID once given cannot be changed by the applicant under any circumstances.
15. WBSETCL shall take no responsibility in case of failure in registration, failure to download Admit Card / Call Letter for appearing in the various stages of selection test.
16. Request for change of examination centre will not be entertained under any circumstances whatsoever.
Selection Process :
1. Selection of candidates for all posts will be made on the basis of the performance of the eligible candidates in the Online Test and Personal Interview. This will be followed by Pre-Employment Medical Test as per prescribed rules of the Company. The applicants will be allowed to appear for Online Test based on the self-declaration submitted by them at the time of online registration and payment of prescribed Application Fee (wherever applicable).
2. The Online Test and Personal Interview for the notified posts will be held in Kolkata only. However, WBSETCL, at its discretion, may conduct the Online Test in multiple cities within the State of West Bengal depending on the number of applicants.
3. The candidates will be shortlisted for Interview in 1:3 ratio in each category based on their performance in the Online Test. Final selection will be made on the basis of fulfillment of prescribed eligibility criteria, combined performance in the Online Test and Interview, fitness in pre-employment medical examination, available vacancies and existing reservation rules of Govt. of West Bengal.
4. In case of tie in score (combined) for any post, for determining merit position under this Notification, the following methods will be adopted by WBSETCL:
a) In case of two or more candidates scoring equal marks (combined), the candidate scoring higher in domain area in the online examination will be given preference.
b) If the aggregate/combined marks and also the marks in domain area in the online examination be same, the candidate senior in age will be given preference.
c) If the aggregate/combined marks, the marks obtained in domain area and also the date of birth be same, the candidate scoring higher in Bengali / Nepali in online test in the online examination will be given preference.
A. Computer Based Test / Online Test - The segments wise mark distribution of the Computer Based Test / Online Test
B. Personal Interview - The total Marks in the Personal Interview will be 25. There will be no qualifying marks for the Interview. However, the marks secured in the Interview will be added with the marks secured in the Computer Based Test (Online Test) during the time of preparation of Final Merit List.
C. Pre-employment Medical Examination - Selected candidates must also have to qualify in the Pre-employment Medical Examination as per prescribed rules of the Company. The decision of WBSETCL pertaining to Pre-Employment Medical Test report will be final and binding on the candidate.
How to Apply :
1. Applicants must ensure that they possess requisite qualifications, as shown above in the Details of the Posts and fulfill all the required criteria before applying for the post.
2. The aspiring applicants, including the eligible WBSETCL Employees, may submit their applications through online mode only from 15.12.2021 to 05.01.2022 by clicking on the ‘Career’ link of our website: www.wbsetcl.in and then click on ‘Apply online’ under the Employment Notification No. - REC/2021/04.
3. Before applying online, applicants must ensure that they have with them a valid E-mail ID, an active Mobile Number, all essential Educational Certificates, Caste Certificate, Physically Handicapped Certificate issued by medical board with not less than 40% disability, Sports Certificate (if seeking reservation under respective category), Exempted Category Card, Experience details/Certificate and Proof of Identification.
WBSETCL 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification of Junior Engineer and More 414 Posts
17 December