Delhi Metro Rail Corporation 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification. DMRC inviting applications for the positions of Deputy Head of Department. Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on 30th December 2021.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Deputy Head of Department - 01 Post
Qualification Details:
To meet with the requirement of experienced personnel for filling up the ONE (01) post of Dy. HoD (Legal) in DMRC, applications are invited from experienced, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality, working in the following CDA / IDA Pay scales in Legal deptt., to be filled on Deputation basis -
1. Name of the Post: Dy. HoD
2. No of Post: 01
3. Essential: Bachelor of Law or LL.B, from Govt. recognized University / Institute.
4. Desirable: Master’s Degree in Law
5. Eligibility criteria CDA pay scale:
a) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs.15600 – 39100 (GP7600)
b) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs. 15600 – 39100 (GP8700)
c) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs. 15600 – 39100 (GP8900)
6. Eligibility criteria IDA pay scale:
a) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs.70000-200000 / Rs. 80000-220000
b) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs.90000-240000
c) Candidates working in the pay scale of Rs.100000-260000
7. Job Description: The incumbent for the post shall be responsible for all Legal functions and matters, as, part thereof, pertaining to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
Age Limit (as on 01.12.2021): Max. upto 56 years
Document Required:
1. Educational Certificates (LL.B, Professional, Post-Graduation & Others)
2. Work Experience Certificate
3. NOC from Employer along with D&AR & Vigilance clearance (in case of Central Govt. /CPSU employee).
4. APARs of Last 5 years(in case of Central Govt. /CPSU employee)
5. Documents in support of substantive grade, on regular basis (for candidates working in CDA pay scale).
Executive Director (HR) Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.
Selection Process :
i. Last date of receipt of duly filled in application (along with relevant documents) through Speed post OR email is 30/12/2021. Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected. DMRC shall not be responsible for loss / delay in post.
ii. The list of shortlisted candidates shall be uploaded on DMRC website in the second week of January 2022 (tentatively) and interview will be held in the fourth week of January, 2022 through online mode (tentatively) (Complete details will be displayed on DMRC website).
iii. No separate communication, by post, will be sent to candidates individually. Candidates are required to go through the instructions / schedule for interview displayed on DMRC website and appear for the interview, accordingly along with original copies of testimonials.
iv. The final result will be declared by first week of February, 2022. (Tentatively).
How to Apply :
1. Eligible and willing candidates for the aforesaid post may apply as per the application format. The candidate must enclose all relevant proof /documents in support of qualification, experience, pay and pay scale.
2. The candidates presently employed in Central Govt. or Central Public-Sector Undertaking (CPSUs) should send their application through proper channel along with the copies of APARs for the last five years, Vigilance and D&AR clearance, so as to reach the under mentioned address / email id, by the stipulated date. The applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.
3. The duly filled in application form should be sent in an envelope super scribing the Name of Post on the cover prominently, latest by 30/12/2021, through Speed Post to the following address OR email the scanned copy of duly filled in Application Form, along with scanned copies of all other sought documents (as stated in the Application Form) to by writing the Advt. No. in the subject of email: Executive Director (HR) Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.
DMRC 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification of DHD Posts
11 December