Last Date for Submission of Application is on 11th October, 2021.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Senior Content Writer/ Media Analyst - 01 Post
Junior Content Writer - 02 Posts
Social Media Marketing - 07 Posts
Manager - 01 Post
Job Location - New Delhi
Education Qualification :
Applications are invited for engagement of Consultants in Lok Sabha Secretariat, on purely contractual basis from amongst persons fulfilling the eligibility conditions as prescribed below.
Note - Do check official notification for more details and apply via proper channel only.More details and other particulars are explained in notification, read completely and go to the official website and apply.
Only Indian citizens between the age of 22 to 58 years as on the last date of receipt of application shall be eligible to be considered for engagement.
General Instructions:
1. Applicants are required to apply strictly as per the prescribed application format as given in Applications not in the prescribed format are liable to be rejected.
2. Eligible candidates have to apply for the post(s) in a typewritten application form.
3. Applicants applying for more than one professional position are required to send separate application for each position.
4. The name of the professional position should be clearly mentioned on the top of envelope, which may read as "Application for Engagement asin Lok Sabha Secretariat on Contract basis”.
5. Self attested copies of documents/certificates vis-à-vis educational qualifications, experience, proof of age, etc. are required to be attached with the application. On being selected for engagement, selected professionals shall bring original certificates/documents for verification at the time of joining.
6. The name of the candidate(s) and their parents in the application form submitted by them should be exactly the same as reflected in the certificates / documents attached with the application.
7. The experience certificate(s) should clearly depict that the applicant possess the required experience in the prescribed field.
8. All eligibility conditions will be reckoned as on the last date of the application.
9. Any misrepresentation or concealment of fact or submission of false information on the part of any applicant shall render him/her ineligible/disqualified for engagement in Lok Sabha Secretariat for any professionalposition even in the future.
10. Shortlisted applicants will be intimated through mail/telephonic message for interview.
11. No correspondence or personal enquiry whatsoever in respect of the applications shall be entertained.
12. Applicants are strictly advised against canvassing in any form or manner. Any canvassing for or on behalf of any applicant shall render him/her ineligible/disqualified for being considered for engagement in Lok Sabha Secretariat for any professional position even in the future.
13. Applicants called for interview shall not be entitled for payment of any TA/DA.
14. Lok Sabha Secretariat reserves the right to cancel the process of engagement of Consultant(s) in part or full or alter the number of positions required at any stage without any notice and without assigning any reason(s) therefor.
15. Applicants should clearly note that Lok Sabha Secretariat will, in no case, be responsible for nonreceipt of their applications or any delay in receipt thereof on any account whatsoever. They should, therefore, ensure the receipt of their application by the prescribed date.
16. Applications that do not conform to General Instructions or received after the last date or incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected.
Administration Branch-I, Room No. 619, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi – 110001.
Selection Procedure :
Shortlisted applicants will be intimated through mail/telephonic message for interview
How to Apply :
1. The applications are to be submitted in the prescribed format as given in Applications complete in all respects shall be sent to:
2. Administration Branch-I, Room No. 619, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi – 110001.
3., The applicants shall send their applications within a period of 21 days from the date of issue of this advertisement i.e. the last date of receipt of applications will be reckoned as 11.10.2021.
4. Eligible candidates will have to appear for a Personal Interview before an Interview Board. An applicant, once selected, will not be allowed to withdraw his/her candidature subsequently. He/she will be required to join immediately.
5. Also, the applicants are advised to keep on visiting the website - Recruitment - Advertisements and Notices from time to time for information relating to:-
(i) Cancellation or addendum or corrigendum to this Advertisement, if any;
(ii) Date(s) of Personal Interview;
(iii) Announcement of Result of the examination process.