High Court of Gujarat 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification. High Court of Gujarat inviting applications for the positions of Private Secretary. Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on 15th July, 2021.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Private Secretary - 27 Posts
Qualification Details:
The High Court of Gujarat invites 'Online Application' from eligible Candidates for filling up 27 vacancies of Private Secretary, in the Pay Matrix of Rs.44,900-1,42,400/-plus usual allowance as per the rules, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, by Direct Recruitment.
1. Post Name: Private Secretary
2. No of Post: 27
3. Pay Matrix of Rs.44,900-1,42,400/-plus usual allowance as per the rules
4. Essential Qualification :
(i) Graduate from recognized University.
(ii) Speed of 120 words per minute in English Short Hand.
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Operation.
(B) Knowledge of Computer : A candidate must possess a certificate regarding basic knowledge of computer as prescribed by the State Government from time to time
5. ADVERTISEMENT NO. RC/B/1304/2020 (P.S.)
A Candidate applying to the said post, shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the last date for submitting Online Application i.e. on 15/07/2021.
Application Fee:
Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Differently Abled Persons (PH), ExÂServicemen and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) shall be required to pay Fees of Rs.500/Â plus the usual Bank Charges and all other candidates shall be required to pay Fees of Rs.1000/Â plus the usual Bank Charges
Documents Required:
Candidate is required to produce the following original testimonials/ documents as well as one set of selfÂattested copies thereof alongwith recent passport size colour photograph, as and when called for, by the High Court
(i) Print-out of the duly filled-in (Confirmed) 'Online Application' along-with e-Receipt/Challan.
(ii) School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate issued under Birth & Death Registration Act.
(iii) Mark-sheets and Certificates of SSC, HSC & Essential Qualification as stipulated in, as per requirement / applicable.
(iv) Certification showing the respective requisite Speed in English Stenography.
(v) Certificate of Basic Knowledge of Computer.
(vi) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State of Gujarat, in case, the Candidate has applied under Reserved Category (SC/ST/SEBC) and if belongs to SEBC Category, Non- Creamy Layer Certificate valid for the current financial year.
(vii) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Eligibility Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State of Gujarat, in case the Candidate has applied under EWS Category. The validity of the said certificate will be in accordance with provisions prescribed by the State Government.
(viii) In case of Differently Abled (PH) (Orthopedically Handicapped) Candidate, (a) a Certificate from a Competent Authority to the effect that he/she has a locomotor disability of not less than 40% and (b) a Certificate from the Standing Medical Board at Ahmedabad, to the effect that he/she would be able to perform the duties of the post in question.
(ix) Certificate of Discharge from Service, in case of Ex-servicemen.
(x) 'No Objection Certificate (NOC)', in case, if employed in State/CentraI Government.
(xi) Original Certificates from Two Respectable Persons being Professionals/ Dignitaries like Doctor, Engineer, M.LA., M.P., certifying his/her good moral character (to be issued in last 6 months).
(xii) Government Gazette, showing change in name/surname etc, if any.
(xiii) In case any Criminal Case(s)/Complaint(s) have been filed against the Candidate concerned, authenticated / attested copies of the relevant documents, viz. FIR/Charge-sheets, Judgment etc.
(xiv) Original Identity Proof
General Instructions:
(a) Benefit(s) of Relaxation in Upper Age Limit and/or Examination Fees shall be granted to the Candidates belonging to Reserved Categories i.e. SC/ST/SEBC/EWS/PH (only Orthopedically disabled) / Ex-Servicemen, provided that requisite Certificate in respect thereof, issued by the Competent Authority, is provided by the Candidate as and when called for. The final decision, as to the suitability of a Candidate for the post shall rest with the High Court.
(b) The Candidate who has successfully submitted CONFIRMED Online Application & paid the requisite Examination Fees, shall only be eligible for appearing at the Preliminary Test and/or Stenography/SkiII Test and/or Viva-voce Test, subject to their qualifying therefor.
(c) The decision of the High Court as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Preliminary Test and/or Stenography /SkiII Test and/or Viva-voce shall be final. No candidate, to whom e-CaII Letter has NOT been issued by the Recruiting Authority, shall be allowed to appear for the Preliminary Test and/or Stenography/SkiII Test and/or Viva-voce Test.
(d) The Candidate shall have to appear at their own expenses, to-and-fro, for the Preliminary Test and/or Stenography/SkiII Test and/or Viva- voce, if called for, at the place and time that may be decided by the High Court.
(e) Candidate shall be required to download his/her e-Ca11 Letter from the Website - https://hc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in, during the Preceding Week, by using Advertisement No., his/her Confirmation No.
f The list of eligible/qualifying candidates will be placed on High Court website as well as on HC-OJAS portal, at the relevant time.
(g) At every stage of examination, Candidate shall produce, Identity proof i.e. Election Card / PAN Card / valid Driving License / valid Passport / Aadhar Card , etc. in original & a copy thereof, along with the 'e-Call Letter-cum-Admission Slip'.
(h) Entry in the Compound of the Examination Centre with Mobile/CelI Phone, Tablets, Laptop, Electronic Gadgets etc. is strictly prohibited. No arrangement for safe keeping, will be arranged, which may kindly be noted.
i. Result of all Examination/Test will be made available on the High Court websites and/or by any other mode that may be decided by the High Court.
(j) ONLY after conclusion of the Recruitment Process, Results (Marks) of each stage of Examination will be made available to each Candidate, except the Candidate(s) disqualified at any Examination Stage, by providing a link to a web-page on the HC-OJAS website — https://hc- with individual password (OTP - one Time Password) via, SMS on his/her registered mobile number.
(k) Mere success in the Examination shall not confer any right to appointment and no Candidate shall be appointed to the post unless the High Court is satisfied, after such inquiries as may be considered necessary that the Candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post.
High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad.
Selection Process :
1. Scheme Of Examination:
The Competitive Examination will be conducted at Ahmedabad or at the Centre(s) decided by the High Court and Candidate(s) shall have to appear at their own cost in the respective Tests, which would consist of:
(A) Preliminary Test (Objective TypeÂMCQs) [100 Marks]
(B) Stenography / Skill Test [ 60 Marks ]
(C) VivaÂvoce Test [ 40 Marks ]
(A) Preliminary Test (Objective TypeÂMCQs) : (Tentatively scheduled on 28/08/2021)
i. The Preliminary Test would be of 100 Marks (Duration : 02 hours) consisting of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each of 1 Mark. For every wrong/multiple answer, there shall be Negative Marking of 0.33 Marks.
ii. Syllabus for Preliminary Test : General Knowledge, English Language, Gujarati Language, Current Affairs, Numerical & Mental Ability and Computer Fundamentals/Operation etc.
iii. The Preliminary Test (Objective TypeÂMCQs) shall be administered through an O.M.R. Sheet and shall be evaluated/assessed by O.M.R. Sheet Scanning Machine and therefore, reÂevaluation/rechecking/ reassessment of O.M.R. Sheets will not be entertained by the High Court. In view of the present scenario of COVIDÂ19 pandemic, the High Court may conduct the Preliminary Test in any other mode including Online Computer Based Examination.
iv. The Candidates shall have to secure minimum 50 % in the Preliminary Test and only those qualifying therein, shall be allowed to appear for Stenography/Skill Test.
v. Marks obtained in the Preliminary Test (Objective TypeÂMCQs) will not be considered for determining the merits, for preparing the Final Merit List.
(B) Stenography/Skill Test [60 Marks] : (Tentatively scheduled on 26/09/2021)
i. The Stenography/SkiII Test for Speed of 120 words per minute in English Short Hand/Stenography, would be of 60 Marks. [Duration: 8 Minutes (Dictation-2 Paragraphs, each of 4 Minutes)] with Transcription time of 50 minutes.
ii. Candidates appearing for the Stenography/SkiII Test shall have to take the Dictation in SHORTHAND NOTATIONs only and those found to be taking/taken dictation in longhand, would be disqualified forthwith.
iii. Candidate shall have to secure minimum 60% Marks in Stenography/SkiII Test.
(c) Viva-voce Test [40 Marksl : (Tentatively scheduled in the month of October/November, 2021)
i. Viva-voce Test shall be of 40 Marks.
ii. Suitability of the Candidates will be assessed on the basis of one's Personality, General Knowledge & Legal Knowledge, Basic Knowledge of Computer Application etc.
iii. The Candidates shall have to secure minimum 40% Marks in the Viva- voce Test.
(a) The Select List & Wait List will be prepared on the basis of Aggregate Marks obtained by the Candidates in the Stenography/Skill Test & VivaÂvoce Test.
(b) The Wait List would consist of not more than 20% of the CategoryÂwise Notified Vacancies and shall be operated during the validity period of the Select List/Wait List.
(c) The Select List & Wait List shall remain in force for a period of 2 (Two) Years, from the date of its publication or until the publication of a fresh List(s), whichever is earlier. However, if the vacancies in a particular year are not substantially higher than the number of Candidates remaining in the existing Select List / Wait List, the period of such Select List/Wait List may be extended by the High Court not exceeding One year, so as to make appointment against such vacancies from the said Select List/Wait List.
(d) Any Candidate who does not accept the offer of appointment within the specified timeÂlimit, shall lose his/her right to appointment and the High Court shall operate the Select List/Wait List, as the case may be.
(e) The High Court reserves the right to adopt appropriate method of shortlisting the Candidate at any stage.
(f) The Select List/Wait List will be published on High Court website as well as on HCÂOJAS Portal.
How to Apply :
(a) Before filling-up the 'Online Application', Candidate is advised to thoroughly read and understand the Detailed Advertisement and the Instructions therein and should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars filled-in by him/her are true and correct in all respects.
i. In case, it is detected at any stage of Recruitment Process or even before Appointment that a Candidate does/did not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has/had suppressed / twisted or truncated any material facts, his/her Candidature shall be liable to be Cancelled. If, any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after Appointment, his/her service will be liable to be terminated with immediate effect.
(b) Candidate should have his/her own/family member's registered Mobile Number and the same should be kept active during the entire Recruitment Process as SMS alerts for the various Tests are also likely to be sent on the said Mobile Number, registered in the 'Online Application'.
(c) Candidate should scan his/her photograph having 5 c.m. of height and 3.6 c.m. of width (15kb) and signature having 2.5 c.m. of height and 7.5 c.m. of width (15kb) in jpg format for uploading the same at relevant space in the Online Application.
(d) Steps for submitting 'Online Application' through the 'HC-OJAS' Module:-
1) Fill-up all the Fields given in Online Application including mandatory Fields, carefully.
2) 'Save' the Online Application, by clicking 'Save' button.
3) Thereafter, a new pop-up window will appear, displaying the 'Application Number', meaning thereby the Application is saved successfully. Candidate shall, note down the entire string of the 'Show Application Preview' Button, on-screen preview of the Application will be displayed.
4) Thereafter, by entering Application Number and Date of Birth, upload scanned photograph and signature at relevant space on the application and ensure that, the uploaded 'Photograph' & 'Signature', are distinctly recognizable, after uploading.
5) If necessary, by using his/her Application Number and Date of Birth, a Candidate can edit his/her Online Application through 'Edit Application' Button until his/her Application is Confirmed by the Candidate.
6) After filling-up all the required/mandatory fields in the Online Application, correctly and duly verified by the Candidate, he/she is required to 'CONFIRM' the Application, by clicking 'Confirm Application' Button/Tab on the Main Menu. Thereby a pop-up window will appear, wherein the Candidate has to enter his/her Application Number and Date of Birth and then click on 'Confirm Application' Button.
7) Please note that, after Confirmation, further editing of one's Online Application will not be permitted by the System and the same will be treated as Final Application for the particular post.
8) The Candidate should preserve his/her Application Number and Confirmation Number for future reference and use, till the conclusion of the Recruitment Process.
9) The Candidate is now required to pay the requisite Fees by clicking Print Application/Pay Fee Button. Carefully follow the Instructions/HeIp given thereat. Candidates will be re-directed to SBI e-Pay website. Select the Mode of Payment i.e. Online Payment or Offline (Cash-Challan will be generated Online, by Selecting 'Cash' Option).
e. Starting date for submitting Online Application 01/07/2021 (12:00 hours)
f. Closing date for submitting Online Application 15/07/2021 (23:59 hours)
g. Preliminary Test (Objective TypeÂMCQs) 28/08/2021
h. Stenography Test / Skill Test 26/09/2021
i. VivaÂvoce Test (Oral Interview) October/November, 2021