Last Date for Submission of Application is on 15th May, 2021.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Assistant Engineer - 20 Posts
Geologist - 01 Post
Job Location - Udham Singh Nagar
Education Qualification :
UJVN Limited is a wholly owned undertaking of Uttarakhand Government and is a professionally managed power development and generation company. UJVN Ltd is a self sustaining Utility and promises to be one amongst leading power generating companies of India. UJVN Ltd. invites online applications from eligible candidates in prescribed format to fill up the following post
Advt. No.- Rectt/01/2021
Note - Do check official notification for more details and apply via proper channel only.More details and other particulars are explained in notification, read completely and go to the official website and apply.
Minimum 21 years and Maximum 42 years as on 01.01.2021.
Application Fee:
Rs. 800/- only for General/OBC/EWS candidates, Rs. 400/- only for SC/ST Category of Uttarakhand State.
General Instructions:
1. Online applications shall start from 01.04.2021 and the last date of online application is 30.04.2021 (Midnight).
2. No Hand Written application would be entertained.
3. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test/Personal Interview only with the Admit Card/Call Letter.
4. Candidates should retain copies of their application form for future reference.
5. UJVN Ltd. reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice, reference or assigning any reason whatsoever.
6. In case of any ambiguity/dispute on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail.
7. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be in Dehradun.
8. While applying for the above posts, the applicant must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility including academic and professional qualifications & experience as per advertisement and other norms mentioned above.
i. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment/selection (i.e. during written test/ interview/ verification of documents etc.) that a candidate does not fulfill the prescribed eligibility norms and/ or that he/ she has furnished any incorrect /false/wrong information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/ her candidature will automatically stand cancelled.
ii. If any of the above sh01tcoming(s) is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice. No application/prayer for relaxation of eligibility norms will be entenained by the Nigam.
9. Candidates are requested to go through the prescribed qualifications and other particulars carefully before registration and depositing examination fees and other documents.
10. It will be the candidate's responsibility to ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria before applying.
11.Candidates must remain in constant touch with UJVN Ltd. website or GBPUAT's website for information regarding dates of Written Test / Interview etc.
12. Categories SC/ST/OBC/EWS/DFF[EXS etc. as submitted in the application form cannot be changed thereafter and no benefit of other category reservation will subsequently be made admissible at any stage of the selection process. Category as mentioned at the time of submission shall remain unaltered during the recruitment process. Before filling up category, candidates must ensure that he/she actually belongs to SC/ST/OBC/ EWS etc.
13.All correspondences with candidates shall be done through SMS only. All information regarding examination schedule/downloading of admit card/interview call letters etc. shall be uploaded in Nigam's/GBPUAT's above websites and will be provided to the concerned candidate through SMS.
i. Candidates will be responsible for receiving, downloading and printing of admit card and any other information. UJVN Ltd/GBPUAT will not be responsible for any loss of SMS sent, due to invalid Mobile No. provided by the candidate or for delay/non receipt of information, if a candidate fails to access his/her mobile in time.
14.No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. However, UJVN Ltd./GBPUAT reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response of the candidates in that area/centre.
15.Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents would summarily be rejected. Willful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
Coordinator (Test & Selection), Lambert Square Guest House. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. Pantnagar. District- Udham Singh Nagar-263145, Uttarakhand
Selection Procedure :
1. There will be a negative marking in written test @ reduction of 1/4 mark for each incot•rect answers. No marking will be given for un-attempted question(s).
2. The candidates will be called for interview in the ratio of 1:3 of vacant post in order of merit list from qualified candidates.
3. In case less number of candidates as required above qualify for a particular post, the actual number of qualified candidates in written examination will be called in Interview.
4. In case of same marks obtained by two or more candidates priority will be given to the candidates with earlier date of birth.
5. The category wise final merit list for the post of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Electrical & Mechanical)/ (Civil) & Geologist (Trainee) will be prepared on the basis of written test & interview marks.
How to Apply :
1. With reference to Advertisement No. Rectt/01/2021 dated 30.03.2021, the last date of application for the post of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Civil)/(Electrical & Mechanical) and Geologist (Trainee) is hereby extended as under:-
a. Last date for submitting of online application- 15.05.2021
b. Last date for submitting hard copy of application- 25.05.2021
2. Other Terms and conditions of aforesaid advertisement shall remain unchanged.
3. The advertisement & online application format shall be hoisted on GBPUAT's website
4. The Candidate will have to submit their application online and get printed application of the same which shall be submitted to GBPUAT along with documents & fee receipt by Speed/Registered post to "Coordinator (Test & Selection), Lambert Square Guest House. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. Pantnagar. District- Udham Singh Nagar-263145, Uttarakhand".