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OIL 2021 Jobs Notification of Geophysicist Posts

OIL 2021 Jobs Notification of Geophysicist Posts
Oil India Limited 2021 Jobs Recruitment Notification. OIL inviting applications for the positions of Geophysicist. Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.

Last Date for Submission of Application is on 16th February, 2021.

No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Geophysicist - 04 Posts

Qualification Details:
OIL INDIA LIMITED, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking is the pioneer and second-largest national upstream Oil and Gas Company with a pan Indian presence and growing global footprint. OIL is all set to conquer newer horizons of all-round growth and excellence. It is engaged in Exploration, Production and Transportation of crude Oil, Natural Gas and Manufacture of LPG with its field Headquarters at Duliajan, Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam

Oil India Limited intends to engage the following personnel on contract basis for its operations in Field Headquarters, Duliajan, Assam purely for temporary requirement as detailed under

1.Post Code:CONT/ GEOP/ GP/2021-07

2.Post:Geophysicist on contract (Quality Control)

3.Contract Period:Minimum period of one year, extendable by one more year up to a maximum period of two years

4.Educational Qualification:Masters in Applied Geophysics or M. Sc. Tech in Applied Geophysics from a recognized institute and approved by AICTE /UGC.

5.Post Qualification Experience as on date of Walk in Interview:Minimum five (05) years of postqualification working experience in land 2D & 3D seismic data acquisition in an E&P company or with Geophysical Service Provider

6.Contract Honorarium per month:₹ 50,000/-

7.Leave: The selected candidate(s) shall be entitled for 20 days paid leave during one year engagement.

8.The contract tenure will be extendable depending upon requirement of the company and the performance of the individual Projected requirements may change. Masters degrees/Post graduation degrees should be of minimum two (02) years duration.Experience requirement will be as detailed in para 7.0 Reservation will be as per Govt. of India guidelines

Upper age limit as on the date of walk in interview for the above posts is 65 years.

General Conditions:
1.In view of the current situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic, any new guidelines issued from Govt. of India will be strictly adhered to and as such the online contractual Interview might get cancelled/delayed/ extended in line with the govt. guidelines. Hence the interested candidates are advised to keep checking OIL’s website regularly.

2.The contract can be terminated at any time by giving notice of 15 days, by either side.  Candidates will be required to join immediately if selected.

3.Contract tenure will commence from the date of joining and shall end on expiry of the prescribed period and no separate notice shall be required to be given.

4.No Travelling Allowance/ Daily Allowance will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.

5.The contract engagement will NOT confer any right on the candidate for regularization in OIL.

6.Candidate/contract of candidate(s) submitting false certificates or suppression/submission of incorrect information shall be liable for termination/disqualification / rejection at any stage. ï‚· The candidates should be of sound health and has to provide a fitness certificate from a Govt. registered medical practitioner at the time of joining in the prescribed format.

7.The candidates will have to submit a character and antecedents verification certificate from concerned authorities at the time of joining

8.Local conveyance @ Rs. 6,000/- per month will be paid.

9.Mobile & Landline telephone reimbursements for due discharge of official responsibilities subject to a maximum of Rs. 1750/- per month or actual whichever is lower, will be paid.

10.Travel/ boarding during all official tours outside the place of posting will be provided/ arranged by OIL and an incidental of Rs. 250/- per day will be paid for the actual number of days worked for OIL outside the place of posting.

11.Any dispute with regard to the engagement against this advertisement will be under the jurisdiction of Dibrugarh district court only.

Selection Process:
1.The candidates will be selected based on Online Personal Interview of total 100 marks.

2.The minimum qualifying marks will be 50 for all categories. 

3.The breakup of 100 marks will be on, Professional Knowledge and skills (in concerned discipline), Professional Knowledge and skills (in allied discipline), Personal Attributes and Soft Skills.

How to Apply :
1.Interested candidates shall apply only through email to con_app@oilindia.in on or before 16.02.2021, with the filled in application form which is attached herewith (page 3 and 4 of this advertisement), with the relevant self-attested (signed with dates) documents as detailed under:

i. DOB Proof i.e. Birth Certificate or Class X certificate containing DOB

ii. Educational qualification document i.e. Final Year marksheet or pass certificate

iii. Experience Certificates containing required years of experience.

iv. Caste Certificate in proper format (if applicable).

2.Online Applications without filled in Bio Data form will be rejected.

3.The candidates are advised to send through email the Application Form alongwith the above documents to the email ID mentioned above in separate PDF files with proper naming in each file.

4.The documents of the shortlisted candidates will be verified with the originals at the time of joining at OIL.

5.Candidates sending the Biodata form without the required scanned documents as mentioned above will be rejected.

6.A duly self-attested (with date) recent passport size photograph has to be compulsorily affixed on the top right corner of the application duly self-attested (with date). Applications without photographs will be rejected.

7.Experience will be calculated strictly based on the experience certificates provided/sent vide email along with the application form. Candidature of Candidates not providing experience certificates will be rejected Duliajan – 786 602, Assam 

8.The candidates shortlisted for the interview will be informed through e-mail about the date and time of interview. As such candidates are advised to mention a valid email ID and mobile no.

9.The interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be online. The mode of interview (Google Meet, Zoom Call/ Webex, etc.) will be intimated to the eligible shortlisted candidates well in advance.

10.The candidates will be shortlisted for interview after scrutiny of eligibility by OIL. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will only be called for the contractual interview.

11.Online Applications received through email after the last date i.e. 16.02.2021 will be rejected.

Official Notification

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