NSCL Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.National Seeds Corporations Limited inviting applications for the positions of Management Trainee, Assistant and Other.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on September 15th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Management Trainee - 36
Diploma Trainee - 07
Assistant - 03
Senior Trainee - 59
Trainee,Trainee Mate - 115
Job Location - New Delhi
Qualification Details:
National Seeds Corporation Limited under the administrative control of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare is an apex body engaged in production and distribution of quality seeds, invites online application from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on direct recruitment basis at Corporate Office (New Delhi), Regional / Area Offices and Farms (located all over India):
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Production)
2. No.of. Posts: 16
3. B.Sc.(Agri.) plus MBA (Agri. Business Management) OR M.Sc.(Agri.) with specialization in Agronomy/Seed Technology/Plant Breeding & Genetics from a recognized University/Institution with minimum 600Z* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee Horticulture)
2. No.of. Posts: 01
3. B.Sc. (Hort.) plus MBA (Agri. Business Mgt.) OR M.Sc. (Horticulture) / M.Sc. (Agri.) with specialization in Horticulture from a recognized University/lnstitution with minimum 600lo* marks.
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Marketing)
2. No.of. Posts: 07
3. B.Sc. (Agri.) plus MBA (Mktg./Agri. Business Management) full time or Two years Full time pG Degree/Diploma in Marketing/Agri. Business Management OR M.Sc. (Agri.) from a recognized University/Institutions with minimum 60%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Human Resource)
2. No.of. Posts: 02
3. Two years full time PG Degree / Diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations / Labour Welfare / HR Management OR Two years full time MBA (HRM) from a recognized University / Institution with minimum 60%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Agri. Engg.)
2. No.of. Posts: 04
3. BE/B.Tech.(Agri. Engg.) from a recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60Yo* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Civil Engg.)
2. No.of. Posts: 01
3. BE/B.Tech. (Civil Engg.) from recognized University /lnstitute with minimum of 600/o* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
1. Posts: Management Trainee (Quality Control)
2. No.of. Posts: 02
3. M.Sc.(Agri.) with specialization in Agronomy / Seed Technology / Plant Breeding & Genetics from a recognized University / Institution with minimum 600%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory
4. Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month
​​​​​​​5. Terms & Conditions: On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future employment.
For More Qualification Details , Kindly Refer The Official Website.
Age: Not exceeding 27 year
Application Fee: A non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- plus GST on Rs. 500/ plus processingfee and payment gateway charges on actual is applicable for Unreserved Category/EWS/OBC/Ex-Servicemen. Candidates belonging to any particular category of SC/ST/PWD are not required to pay the application fee, however, processing fee and payment gateway charges on actual is applicable for SC/ST/pWD and shall necessarily submit a photo copy of caste/disability certificate, as prescribed by Govt. of India
Important Dates:
a.Commencement of online registration of application by candidates: 14 July
b. Last date for online application by candidate: 15.09.2020
Selection Procedure :
1. Management Trainee: Stage 1: Written examination, Stage 2: Based on the merit of written examination, candidates will be called for interview and document verification , Stage 3: Taking into together written examination and interview marks the candidate will be finally shortlisted for selection, if everything is found in order i.e. documents/certifi cates
2. Assistant (Legal) Gd.I , Sr. Trainee, Diploma Trainee, Trainee, Trainee Mate: Written examination Based on merit of written examination OR written examination and Skill test(s) in case of Trainee (Stenographer / HR), candidates will be called for document verification. Based on the written examination marks OR written examination and Skill test(s) in case of Trainee (Stenographer / HR), the candidate will be finally shortlisted for selection, ifeverything is found in order i.e. documents/certificates.
How to Apply :
1. Only online application will be considered. No other mode of application shall be considered.Application Last Date: 15.09.2020 Candidates are required to submit invariably self-attested copy of the following certificates/documents as applicable to his/her case along lvith the print out of online application and admit card at the time of document verification/Skill Test with originals:- a. Birth Certificate/Ssc Mark Sheet as a proof of Date of Birth b. SSLC/SSC/HSC Mark Sheet c. Mark Sheets of (each year or each semester) UG Degree and convocational/Provisional Certificate. d. Mark Sheets and Certificates of all Educational, Professional and Technical Qualifications. Mark Sheet of each year or each semester is must. e. Computer Course Certificate of not less than 6 months duration. f. Transfer Certificate (TC) g. Experience Certificate/Service Certificate issued by the Employer indicating the period of service, nature of experience like full time/part time, designation and details of job or responsibilities clearly (if applicable). h. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from present employer - as applicable. i. Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format by the Government. j. Income and Assets certificate to be produced by Economically Weaker Sections. k. Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen 1. Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format in respect of Person with Disabilities (pwD). m. Any other relevant certificates (as applicable).
2. Before submitting the online application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfil all the eligibility criteria with respect to age , education qualification, work experience and other requirements as published in the online advertisement. If the candidate is not eligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment. If the candidate Qualifies in the selection process and subsequently, it is found that he/she does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature will be cancelled and if appointed, service so obtained will be terminated without any notice or compensation.