AIIMS Delhi Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi inviting applications for the positions of Private Secretary.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on October 05th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Private Secretary - 16
Job Location - New Delhi
Qualification Details:
1. Recruitment to the post of Private Secretary in the pay scale of Level 7 in Pay Matrix (pre-revised Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-) under the mode of 50% by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination at the AllMS, New Delhi.
2 .Applications are invited from amongst eligible departmental Personal Assistant to fill up fill up 16 (UR-12, SC- 03 and ST.OI) posts of Private Secretary, under mode of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, in Level 7 of Pay Matrix. The eligible criteria / method of selection for the post Private Secretary , as prescribed in the existing recruitment rules, is as under:
3. Eligibility: All Personal Assistants as with 5 years of regular serie in the grade.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 29.
Selection Procedure :
1. Part (l) -A qualifying shorthand test in Hindi or in English@ 100 w.p.m. for 10 Minutes. Transcription Time: 40 Minutes (English) t' 55 Minutes (Hindi) only on Computers. (Skill test will be conducted by an expert agency such as Institute of Secretariat & Training & Management.
2. Part(ii) -Evaluation of ACRs of candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written as may be fixed, for 20% of Total Marks. examination
3. Part-(lll) -The following criteria will be used to determine the marks (out of 100) in the following manner Partl : Skill test: Max. Marks Part II :ACR (20 Marks)
4. Computation of marks from the Shorthand Skill Test: the shorthand is essentially marked in terms of % of mistakes. A universal criterion of 5% mistake is generally taken as cut-off for qualifying. But in this exam this has to be converted to marks.
5. Therefore, 5% mistakes will be given 40% marks (usual qualifying marks in examinations) i.e. those who make 5% mistakes will be given 40% of 80 (32 marks).
6. For every 1% less mistakes an additional 9.6 marks be added to 32 in such a manner that those who make 0% mistakes will be full marks (80). A select list containing names of successful candidate, equivalent to the number of vacancies, shall be prepared in the order of merit based on the total marks obtained in the test, for the qualifications and for ACRs as above subject to vigilance/legal clearance and fitness for the posts. - The Merit list once drawn up is valid for that occasion. In other words for vacancies arising for subsequent years a separate examination will be held.
7. ​​​​​​​After successfully qualifying Department Competitive Examination, the offer of promotion to the post of Private Secretary is subject to outcome of the SLP pending before Hon'ble Supreme Court of India or any other clarification issued from the DoPT regard reservation in promotion under category UR to UR and Reserve to Reserve.
How to Apply :
1. Those interested candidates may submit their application in the attached performa, along with one recent passport size photograph, through proper channel, after getting particulars verified from the concerned Establishment Section to the Recruitment Cell. The last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of issue of this memorandum.
2. Incomplete application9and/or those received late and/or not routed through proper channel and verified by concerned Establishment Section, would be summarily rejected. Cutoff date to determine eligibility will be the last date of submission of application form. Hindi version will follow.