RITES Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.Rail India Technical and Economic Service (RITES) inviting applications for the positions of Manager.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on September 04th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
General Manager - 01
Joint Manager - 01
Job Location - New Delhi
Qualification Details:
1. Organization: REMCL / RITES
2. Post Name: General Manager (REMCL)
3. No of Vacancies: 01 No. - SAG/ NF-SAG/SG, IRSEE with 18 years Group A service.
4. Location and tenure: Delhi/NCR. deputation shall be 5 years. In case of deputation, the employee is entitled parent pay plus deputation allowance and other allowances as admissible.
5. Scale of Pay of the post: (7th CPC Matrix level- 14 & 13)
6. Detailed job descnption indicating age requirement discipline etc:
i. The IRSEE officer should be working as NFSAG/SAG/SG having minimum 18 years of Group-A service.
ii. He will deal with Legal & Regulatory matters and coord•nation matters with BRBCL, Zonal Railways, central & state Authorities, CERC, SERC, APTEL & Lower/High/Supreme Court etc. including TRO & RE works Of Railways as per the requirement.
iii. The officer should have at least 3 years of experience in TRD/ Railway Electrification etc. Exposure to General Power Supply, rolling stock maintenance, Legal & Regulatory matters with power procurement to IR through open access may be given due preference.
7. RITES wili be providing Company/ Leased Accommodation as per entitlement to the officer who joins RITES on deputation.
Age: The officer should not be more than 55 years Of age as on the last date of submission of application.
Selection Procedure:
1. Selection will be based on Deputation Basis
2. Applications will be scrutinized on the basis Of the following parameters on a 100 point scale:
i. Educational Qualification, evaluation of CV, length of service (25 marks
ii. Previous Work Experiences and Domain Knowledge (25 marks)
iii. APRs, D&AR and Vigilance record (2S marks)
iv. Potential/Overali Suitability of the candidate to requirements (25 marks)
How to Apply:
1. Last Date of Receiving Application: 04-09-2020 05:00
2. Applicants are required to apply online in the registration format available in the Career Section Of RITES website, http://www.rites.com. While submitting the online application; the system would generate 'Registration No. on top of online form filled up by the candidate A copy of this online application form containing the registration number is to be printed. signed and attached with the detailed CV and forwarded through the Cadre Controlling/ Zonal Railway
3. Applications are to be Sent through respective administrative officer (HQ/Board) indicating No Objection, Vigitance/DAR clearance and ACRs for the past OS years. The applicants are also required to send their CV in the prescribed format (Annexure l') along with the applications
RITES Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Manager Posts
08 August