National Fertilizers Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.NFL inviting applications for the positions of Engineer, Manager.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on September 25th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Engineer - 26 Posts
Manager - 14 Posts
Qualification Details for Engineer:
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) is a Mini-Ratna, premier profit-making Central Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs with a vision of being a leading Indian company in fertilizers and beyond, with commitment to all stakeholders. NFL is looking for qualified, dynamic and result oriented experienced professionals with initiative for manning the following positions on regular basis for its various Units/Offices:
1. Posts: Engineer
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering / Chemical Technology from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Chemical Engineering.
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in operation of Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer complex/ Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 6.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Engineer
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Mechanical Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in erection / maintenance of Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry.
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 6.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Engineer
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech. /B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electrical Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in construction / maintenance of HT & LT power distribution system, HT synchronous and induction motors, large transformers, protection systems AmmoniaUrea Fertilizer complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry/thermal power plant/large steel plant.
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs.06.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Engineer (Instrumentati on)
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Instrumentation / Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation & Electronics / Electronics & Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electronics & Communication Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline maintenance experience in process control instrumentation in Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 6.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Engineer (Instrumentati on)
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Civil Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Civil Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline regular or direct contractual experience in PSU/ Govt. Organization/ Large Private Company (preferably in ammonia urea fertilizer or petrochemical sector).
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 6.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Engineer (Fire and Safety)
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E.) in Fire Engg. / Safety & Fire Engg. OR Minimum 60% marks in Degree (B. Tech./ B.E./ BSc Engg.) in Electrical / Mechanical / Chemical with Divisional Officers Course from National Fire Service College (NFSC), Nagpur
4. Nature of Experience: Experience in recognized Fire station/ AmmoniaUrea Fertilizer Complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical refinery.
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 1 year Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 1 year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum one year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 6.05 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
Age: 30 years
Application Fee:
UR / EWS / OBC candidates are required to send Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred only) through Demand Draft in favour of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED payable at NEW DELHI. However, SC/ ST/ ExSM, PwBD and Departmental candidates are not required to pay the Application Fee.
Qualification Details for Manager:
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) is a Mini-Ratna, premier profit-making Central Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs with a vision of being a leading Indian company in fertilizers and beyond, with commitment to all stakeholders. NFL is looking for qualified, dynamic and result oriented experienced professionals with initiative for manning the following positions on regular basis for its various Units/Offices:
1. Posts: Manager
2. Engineer: ₹70000 - 3% - 200000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering / Chemical Technology from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Chemical Engineering.
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in operation of Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer complex/ Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 09 years. Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for two year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum two years post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of 12.09 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date.
1. Posts: Manager
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Mechanical Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in erection / maintenance of Ammonia-Urea Fertilizer complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry.
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 09 years Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for two year or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum two year post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 12.09 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
1. Posts: Manager
2. Engineer: ₹40000 - 3% - 140000
3. Qualification: Minimum 60% marks in Engineering Degree (B.Tech. /B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute OR AMIE in Electrical Engineering
4. Nature of Experience: Post qualification inline experience in construction / maintenance of HT & LT power distribution system, HT synchronous and induction motors, large transformers, protection systems AmmoniaUrea Fertilizer complex / Continuous process chemical / PetroChemical industry/thermal power plant/large steel plant.
5. Quantum of post qualification experience: Total post qualification inline experience: 09 years Govt / PSU employees Should have worked for 2 years or more in one level below pay scale or Presently working in same or higher pay scale, as on cut-off date of eligibility. Candidates working in Private sector should have minimum two years post qualification inline experience at a minimum CTC of Rs. 12.09 lakh p.a. as on cut-off date
Age: 45 years
Application Fee:
UR / EWS / OBC candidates are required to send Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred only) through Demand Draft in favour of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED payable at NEW DELHI. However, SC/ ST/ ExSM, PwBD and Departmental candidates are not required to pay the Application Fee.
General Instructions:
1. Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully and ascertain their eligibility before submitting their Applications.
2. While filling Application Forms the candidates should mention their full name as it appears on the Matriculation School Certificate. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation shall be the only acceptable document in support of proof of age.
3. The prescribed minimum educational qualification should be from University/Institute recognized by UGC/AICTE.
4. No claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to a prescribed qualification would be entertained and decision of NFL in this regard would be final and binding.
5. The date of declaration of result/issuance of final marks-sheet or passing Certificate, whichever is earlier, shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring minimum educational qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account.
6. Minimum percentage of marks in the minimum educational qualification as indicated in Clause C.2 of this advertisement shall be aggregate of all semesters/years to be calculated taking average of all semesters/years. Weightage given to any particular semester/year by the Institute/University shall not be considered.
7. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University/Institute. Conversion formula is required to be sent mandatorily alongwith other documents. Where no norms have been specified, the CGPA/OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10-point scale.
8. Candidate‟s post qualification work experience as Management Trainee would be counted only in case he/she is regularized in the same Company.
9. Candidates employed in Central/State Government/Quasi-Government/Central or State Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body/Statutory Body/ JV, either in permanent or contractual or ad-hoc or temporary or in any manner, shall either forward their application through Proper Channel or shall produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their present employer at the time of interview failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview and no TA would be paid to them.
10. The term departmental candidates mean those candidates who are currently working with NFL as permanent & regular employees and not wards of NFL employees.
11. The minimum educational qualification and inline experience are the minimum criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. NFL‟s decision regarding eligibility & shortlisting of applications shall be final & binding and no queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
12. The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials etc.
13. Candidates in their Application Form have to necessarily declare and provide details in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, FIR filed in any Police Station, convicted by the Court of Law for any offence debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination or if proceedings are pending against him in any Court of Law.
14. Mere admission to the selection process does not imply that Company (NFL) is satisfied about candidate‟s eligibility. The candidates should ensure that the details mentioned in the Application Form are correct and are in conformity with the eligibility criteria for the post applied for, as mentioned in the advertisement. In case it is detected that a candidate does not fulfil any of the advertised eligibility criteria or has given false declaration or suppressed any material fact or information having any bearing on his candidature, he/she shall render himself/herself ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and for termination at any time during employment, if recruited.
15. Further, NFL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment/selection process of advertised posts without any further notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever, if need so arises.
16. Any corrigendum/addendum/errata in respect of this advertisement shall be displayed only on NFL‟s website under the head “Careers”. No further press advertisement will be issued. Hence prospective applicants are advised to regularly visit NFL website for latest updates with regard to this advertisement, at least upto 25.09.2020 unless otherwise extended.
17. Only shortlisted candidates who are found eligible based on the Application Forms submitted will be called for participating in the Selection Process. In case the applicant does not receive any communication within 90 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed for the Selection Process. Accordingly, candidates are advised to regularly visit “Careers” head on our website - for updated information on the selection process. Only shortlisted candidates will be intimated through post or e-mail for the proposed written or online test/group discussion/personal interview. However, NFL will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery of intimation sent through post or e-mail, as the case may be.
18. Candidates should possess a valid email ID as the same is mandatorily required for mentioning in application form. Candidates are also advised to keep the E-mail ID as well as Mobile Number, as filled-in in their application form, active for at least one & a half year from cut-off date i.e. 31.03.2020. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed once submitted. All future information/communication regarding participating in the selection process shall be provided through e-mail/SMS to the candidates, found prima-facie eligible, based on the information submitted by them in their application form. Responsibility of receiving and downloading of information/communications, etc. will be of the candidate. NFL will not be responsible for any delay in communication/inactiveness of the E-mail ID, loss of email sent due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID submitted by the candidate in application form and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
19. Details once submitted in the Application Form will be final and any request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/category shall not be entertained. Candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully fill up their Application Form.
20. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute pertaining to any issue arising out of this recruitment process will be at New Delhi only to the exclusion of all other Courts.
21. Canvassing in any form at any stage (including before or after selection / joining) shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.
22. It is clearly stated that the post advertised are for National Fertilizers limited and the selected candidates can be posted at any of our offices/ units across India. They may also be posted in any Joint Ventures of NFL on secondment basis at the discretion of management.
Selection Process:
1. Based on the information in application and documents submitted by the candidates‟ alongwith duly signed print out of their Application Form, scrutiny of applications would be done and candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be provisionally shortlisted and called for personal interview. NFL‟s decision regarding eligibility & shortlisting of applications shall be final & binding and no queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. 2. However, in case of receipt of large number of Applications, NFL reserves a right to conduct an online test in Delhi - NCR region and/or any other city(ies) of India for the purpose of short-listing candidates for interview. Neither TA will be paid nor Boarding & Lodging facilities would be arranged/reimbursed for appearing in the online test. 3. Modalities of Online Test, in the event it is decided to conduct the same, shall be placed on NFL website Careers- Recruitment in NFL Recruitment of experienced technical professionals- 2020 at an appropriate time. 4. Candidates are required to qualify in the Personal Interview separately with minimum average of 50% marks in interview. 5. In case, total marks (upto two decimals) of two or more candidates after personal interview are same, percentage of marks in the qualifying examination would be considered for drawing up merit list. In case percentage of marks (upto two decimals) are also equal in the qualifying examination, the date of birth of the candidates will be considered for preparing merit list i.e. the candidate born earlier will be considered as senior in the merit list. 6. It may be noted that candidates will be called for personal interview provisionally on the basis of information submitted by them in the application Form and their candidature will be considered vis-à-vis eligibility criteria for the post applied for as mentioned in the Advertisement. Candidates not meeting the eligibility criteria or not in possession of complete requisite documents will not be allowed to attend the personal interview and no TA will be paid to them. Further, no queries shall be entertained in this regard. 7. The candidates called for personal interview will be reimbursed to and fro single 2nd AC Class Rail fare (Mail/Express trains, excluding Rajdhani/Duronto/Shatabdi)/ Bus fare from the nearest railway station of the correspondence address indicated by the candidates in their application to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of necessary receipts. The TA reimbursement, however, is subject to candidate meeting the advertised specifications for the post applied for 8. The selected candidates before joining will be required to get Medical Fitness Certificate from Civil Surgeon/NFL‟s Hospital/NFL‟s common panel of hospitals and their appointment will also be subject to verification of character & antecedents and Caste certificate from the concerned District Authorities. 9. Selected candidates can be posted in any of the Units/Offices/Joint Ventures of the NFL at the discretion of Management
How to Apply:
1. Before applying, candidates are advised to peruse the advertisement carefully and should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria. Their eligibility will be provisional and will be verified only in case they are shortlisted for selection.
2. Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should download and print the prescribed Application Form proforma available on NFL website Careers. Recruitment in NFL. Recruitment of experienced technical professionals- 2020. The Application Form duly filled and signed, alongwith selfattested copies of the documents / certificates, as mentioned at Sl. No. G.7, should reach in a sealed envelope cover super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (POST NAME) - 2020” at the following address: “Chief Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited, A-11, Sector-24, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201301” No other means/mode of application shall be accepted.
3. Candidates who had applied for any post notified vide our Advisement no 03/2020 dated 28.04.2020 and who wish to be considered for the same post against this advertisement need not apply afresh. Candidates who wish to withdraw their applications against Advisement no 03/2020 dated 28.04.2020 may do so on or before 04.09.2020. Applications for withdrawal of candidature received after due date shall be summarily rejected.
4. Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even after joining, if any information provided by the candidate in the Application Form is found to be false or not in conformity with the advertised eligibility criteria at any stage.
5. Candidates are required to provide their details in the Application Form regarding age, date of birth, qualification, division and percentage of marks obtained, year of passing and respective School/College/University, work experience including positions held, name of Organization, nature of duties performed/performing, period of service, scale of pay, salary/CTC (Cost to Company) drawn, demand draft of Rs.700/- towards Application Fee (if applicable) and other requisite information/declaration. 6. The candidates should ensure that the details entered in Application Form are correct. Candidates are required to send the duly filled-in Application Form proforma alongwith self-attested copies of the documents / certificates, as detailed at Sl. No. G.7 below so as to reach NFL by 25.09.2020 / 01.10.2020 (Refer Clause G.7 below) failing which their candidature will not be considered and no queries shall be entertained in this regard.
7. Self-attested photocopy of following documents is required to be enclosed alongwith application form: 1. Date of Birth 10th / Matriculation Certificate 2. For Educational Qualification Mark sheets and Degree Certificates (Matric onwards upto highest level for all semesters/years). 3. For Pay Scale (for PSU/Govt.) or CTC** (for Private Sector) Employer’s Certificate or Appointment letter along with all promotion/increment letters/pay slip from the month of March, 2019 to March 2020 indicating pay/CTC for requisite period. Form-16 (FY 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20).
4. Experience Certificate with date of joining and relieving and Present Employment Proof Certificate issued by Employer(s), if any, for past or present employment / Offer of appointment and pay slip for the month of March, 2020 as proof of working on cut-off date. 5. For Caste Certificate Caste Certificate in the prescribed format. 6. For Differently abled/PwBD candidates Medical Certificate in the prescribed format.
7. No Objection Certificate (NOC) / Application through proper channel Candidates presently working in Govt./QuasiGovt./PSU/Autonomous/Statutory Body/JVs whether on permanent or contract basis shall either forward their application through proper channel or necessarily submit NOC from their employer at the time of interview.
8. Application Fee Demand Draft of ₹700/- (if applicable).
9. Identity Proof AADHAAR/PAN/Passport/Election Photo Identity Card/ Identity Card issued by Govt./PSU/Passbook of any Nationalized Bank with attested photograph.
The last date of receipt of duly complete Application Form alongwith all requisite documents/certificates is 25.09.2020, unless extended and notified on NFL‟s website. However, last date for receipt of Application Forms of candidates presently residing in far-flung area i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Union territory of Ladakh, Lahul & Spiti District & Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep is 01.10.2020. Candidates applying from far-flung areas should superscribe on envelope “FAR-FLUNG AREA”. In case of false declaration of „Far-Flung Area‟ on envelope vis-à-vis correspondence address mentioned in the Application Form, the same shall be summarily „Rejected‟. Incomplete Application Forms OR not in prescribed proforma OR not supported by self-attested copies of relevant documents OR not fulfilling the eligibility criteria OR received at any other address of NFL other than that as mentioned in the foregoing in Clause No. G.2 OR received after due date shall be summarily „Rejected‟.
10.It may be noted that Applications Forms received without self-attested copies of relevant documents or received after due date i.e. 25.09.2020 (or 01.10.2020 if applicable) shall be summarily rejected and no queries shall be entertained in this regard.
11.Candidates should note that scrutiny and shortlisting of Applications would be done on the basis of documents enclosed with the prescribed application form. The list of required documents at Clause No. G.7 is indicative and not exhaustive. No interim correspondence by the candidates regarding availability/non - availability of documents would be entertained. Accordingly, candidates are advised to enclose & send self-attested copies of all the relevant documents alongwith the duly signed Application Form in support of their candidature