Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.TSTWREIS inviting applications for the positions of Caretaker.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on July 30th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Caretaker - 10 Posts
Qualification Details:
TTWREIS is running Residential Schools, Jr.Colleges & Degree Colleges. It has been decided to engage out souring staff in the non teaching vacant outsourced non teaching and class 4 outsourced vacancies temporarily. These outsourced staff would be paid the remuneration as per norms and procedure through the empaneled outsourced agencies finalized by the PO, ITDA/ Dist. Collectors.
1. Name of the Post: Care Taker(Degree College)
2. No of Post: 10 (Cadre Wise Vacancies of Non Teaching Staff Vacancy posts)
3. Qualifications required: A Degree in any discipline.
4. Fixed remuneration (In Rupees): 15,000/-
Application Fee: Rs.50/-(Fifty rupees Only).
Important Note For Selection:
1. No male candidate will be engaged in Women institutions & Female candidates only will be engaged in the women institutions.
2. Preference will be given to those candidates who studied in the institutions run by Tribal Welfare Department including TTWREI Society(Gurukulams).
3. Candidates will be terminated/removed from the temporary outsourced service without giving any prior notice/ information.
Important Notes:
1. The candidates have to submit the applications through online from the society website by paying a Fee of Rs.50/-(Fifty rupees Only).
2. Mere payment of fee is not sufficient to submit the application form. After successful completion of online payment of fee, every candidate has to completelyfill in online application without fail.
3. The selection of candidates will be as per the procedure finalized by TTWREIS.
4. In case of any discrepancy the decision of the Secretary, TTWREIS would be final.
Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society(Gurukulam), Hyderabd, 1 st Floor, New Building, DSS Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad – 500 028.
Selection Process:
1. Staff Nurse: Percentage of scored in B.Sc.Nursing/ GNM marks
2. Care Taker(Degree College): Percentage of marks scored in Degree
3. Lab Asst.(Degree College): Percentage of marks scored in relevant Degree
4. Computer Lab Asst(Degree College) Percentage of marks scored in relevant Degree
5. Junior Assistant/DEO: 1. 75% weightage for Degree marks. 2. 25% weightage for Type.
6. Lab.Asst/Lab Attender :100% weightage in SSC marks
7. Kitchen Helper/ MPWs: 100% weightage in SSC marks
8. Office Subordinate(Attender): 100% weightage in SSC marks
How to Apply:
Online applications will be received through online only from 15-07-2020 to 30- 07-2020. Applications have to be submitted online in the portal copies of applications would not be considered)
TSTWREIS Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Caretaker Posts
17 July
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