Rail Vikas Nigam Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.RVNL inviting applications for the positions of Manager.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on August 14th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Manager - 03 Posts
Qualification Details:
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) requires the services of suitable employees who have working knowledge of Electrical Departments of Indian Railways and having sufficient working experience in executing of Electrical Construction work, preparation of tender & estimates (RE Works), for being posted as Manager (Elect.) E-2 in RVNL’s PIUs Varanasi, Bangalore & Ambala on usual terms of deputation. The scale of pay of the post, job specification, etc. are given in Annexure. Besides pay & allowances, the Company offers attractive and liberal benefits.
Manager (Electrical) – E-2 (Three posts) One each at Varanasi, Bangalore & Ambala PIUs.
1. Eligibility: For Manager (Electrical): Senior Subordinates holding the Cadre posts in PB-2 Grade Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 (CDA) {prerevised}, Level- 7 in 7th CPC in the relevant department i.e. Electrical department & having sufficient working experience in preparation of tender & estimates (RE works) (in Electrical department).
2. Scale of Pay of the deputation post: Cadre pay plus deputation (duty) allowance.
3. Specific requirement: Preference will be given to candidates having construction experience, (in Electrical department)&preparation of tender & estimates (RE Works).
4. Number of Post: 03.
5. Terms of Appointment: Normal terms of deputation.
6. Tenure of deputation: Five years.
7. Department(s): Electrical Department.
Age: Below 56 years.
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, Plot no 25, First Floor August Kranti Bhawan Bhikaji Cama Place R. K. Puram New Delhi - 110066.
Selection Process:
Selection Will be Based on Deputation basis.
How to Apply:
Last date for receipt of Application 30 days from the date of issue of notification dated 14.07.2020 (Last date 14.08.2020). The format for application is available at our website www.rvnl.org->opportunities->careeropportunities, copy of which is enclosed herewith.
RVNL Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Manager Posts
25 July
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