National Technical Research Organisation Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.NTRO inviting applications for the positions of Executive Engineer.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on July 31st, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Executive Engineer - 06 Posts
Qualification Details:
Applications are invited to fill up vacancies in the following posts in NTRO on Deputation/ Absorption (For Ex-serviceman: Deputation/ Re.employment) basis as per details given below: -
1. Post Name: Executive Engineer
2. No. of vacancy: Electrical - 02, Civil - 04
3. ln addition, special Allowance at 20% of Basic pay will be admissible, No Deputation Duty Allowance will be paid.
4. Officers of the Central Government:
(i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department, or
(ii) with five years of regular service in Level-,10 of the pay matrix; and
(iii) possessing a Bachelor's degree in Electrical/ civil Engineering and five years of experience in planning/ construction/ design maintenance, in civil and Technical/Technical/ Industrial structures/ Estate Management and contract Management from a recognised Instiiute.
5. Defence service officers holding the rank of Major in Indian Army or equivalent rank in Indian Air Force/lndian Navy and possessing the requisite experience as mentioned above shall also be considered, if otherwise eligible.
6. Level in the Pay Matrix: Level -11 in the Pay Matrix
The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of the application.
Note-1: The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation, Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on promotion
Note-2: Period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post hero immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/ department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years for Executive Engineer and three years for Assistant Executive Engineer,
Note-3: The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of the application.
Note-4: Field experience of minimum three years in execution/ project management of major project at site
Deputy Director (Rectt,) National Technical Research Organisation Block-lll, Old JNU Campus (Room No.204) New Delhi - 110067
Selection Process:
Selection will be Based on Deputation/ Absorption
How to Apply:
1. lt is requested that the above mentioned recruitment notice be widely circulated, The applications of willing and eligible officers duly filled in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-l) with Certification by the Employer/ Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-ll) be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach 6n the following address :-
2. Deputy Director (Rectt,) National Technical Research Organisation Block-lll, Old JNU Campus (Room No.204) New Delhi - 110067
3. The last date for receipt of application is 31.07.2020.
4. The applications of desirous candidates received through proper channel in response to above referred earlier recruitment notice dated 23.04.2020 will also be considered,
5. This recruitment notice is also being uploaded on the website ntro, for information of desirous officers. The extension of last date of receipt of application, if any, will be notified in the said website.
NTRO Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Executive Engineer Posts
09 July
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