Bank of Baroda Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.Bank of Baroda inviting applications for the positions of Supervisor.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on July 31st, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Supervisor - 49 Posts
Qualification Details:
Bank of Baroda, one of India’s largest Public Sector Bank invites offline applications from interested candidates who are ex-bankers in any PSU Bank up-to the rank of Chief Manager, retired clerks and equivalent of Bank of Baroda belonging to Gujarat and Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, any graduates with Computer knowledge (MS Office, email, Internet etc.), however qualification like M.Sc (IT)/ BE(IT)/ MCA/MBA is preferable. The candidates should be proficient in reading and writing Gujarati language.
1. Posts: Supervisor
2. No.of. Posts: 49
3. For Retired Bank Employees : Retired officers (including voluntarily retired) of any PSU bank up to the rank of Chief Manager may be appointed for the purpose. Retired clerks and equivalent of Bank of Baroda having passed JAIIB with good track record. All Applicants should have rural banking experience at least 3 years. The maximum age for continuation of BC supervisors will be 65 years. For Other Candidates . Minimum qualification should be graduate with Computer knowledge (MS Office, email, Internet etc.), however qualification like M.Sc (IT)/ BE (IT)/ MCA/MBA. Should be in the age group of 21-45 years at the time of appointment. The maximum age for continuation of BC supervisors will be 65 years.
Other eligibility Criteria: Due diligence along with proper verification of KYC, CIBIL Score, other enquiries etc will be carried out at the time of appointment (Those who are having adverse record, or terminated/ dismissed from past service etc. will not be considered). Police verification will be arranged and conducted in respect of each selected applicant before assignment of duty. Applicants should be willing and in a position to visit villages in the district for supervision and other activities as and when assigned on periodic intervals. Should have accommodation near the Regional Office/Link branch and not in any case outside the district for which selection is to be made.
Roles and Responsibilities of BC Supervisor 1. Monitor either 20 or 30 BCs depending on the category in which he/she is assigned. Category A BC Supervisor will be assigned 30 BC agents and Category B will be assigned 20 BC agents. The number of BCs may escalate as per bank’s discretion.
2. Ensure that banking services are available to the identified villages/ SSAs (Sub Service Areas)/ Non-SSAs including communities in urban/metro areas.
3. Educate BCs about their roles and responsibilities.
4. Ensure redressal of grievances of customers/BCs and submit feedback to link branch with copy to Regional Office.
5. Conduct meetings in the villages/SSAs/Non-SSAs as well as communities in their operational area to encourage villagers/customers for availing of banking services of our bank and submit the report to Regional Manager.
6. Visit to allocated villages/ SSAs/ Non-SSAs as well as communities in their operational area and BC points in the district at least once in 15 days and submit the report to FI coordinators of the Region.
7. Monitor & Control the activities of the BCs in coordination with link branch. BC supervisors must ensure that BCs remain active.
8. Ensure that the BCs are operational during the working hours as per extant guidelines of the bank. To ensure that the BCs are available on daily basis and transactions in the BC points are taking place as per prescribed norms/guidelines. 9. Ensure that BCs are not doing any type of off-line transactions at BC points.
10. Ensure that BCs are engaged in cross selling of our bank’s and third party products.
11. Ensure that BCs are engaged in recovery of our bank’s dues.
12. Conduct financial literacy sessions with villagers/communities during his visit to the villages/BC points.
13. Ensure that BCs have displayed the Dos &Don’ts board at BC points.
14. Ensure that BCs are issuing only system generated slips to customers.
15. Ensure that BCs are not using any stationery of the bank.
16. BC Supervisor must take feedbacks from local customers regarding functioning of the BC agent during his visit and submit the feedback/Report to Regional Office. 17. Plan and organize camps in consultation with the link branch /Regional Office from time to time for achieving various targets.
18. Coordinate with the branch and service provider for appointment of BCs for suitably identified locations. In case of attrition of BCs, coordinated action should be taken for substitution of BCs at the earliest to ensure that continued banking services are available to customers.
19. To identify BCs for uncovered villages allotted by DFS.
20. Ensure that the details of field BC and officer visiting the village are displayed in the village.
21. Coordinate and interact with link branch, Regional Office and Corporate BCs and submit the suggestions for improvement of BC activities, if any.
22. Arrange for locational training programs on technical updates, operational guidelines etc for BCs.
23. The BC Supervisor will monitor the performance of each BC through dash board.
24. The BC Supervisors will be responsible for fixation of targets and monitoring the progress vis-à-vis target. BC Supervisor will be evaluated based on the performance and achievement of various targets of BC agents.
25. Region should allocate village wise monthly targets for business development under financial inclusion to link branches. The BC supervisors would monitor the business development in village visà-vis targets. In the case of non-achievement of targets of financial inclusion in case more than 50% of BCs under particular supervisor for consecutive 2 months or any 2 quarters, the performance will be reviewed for continuation of service by Regional Head and if deemed fit, he/she can be discontinued with prior approval of Zonal Head. BC wise target has been allotted to all the corporate BCs by FI department HO.
26. Perform quarterly Verification of Cash with BCs and submit report to the link branch.
27. BC Supervisor should submit a monthly report of their performance to Regional FI Coordinator in the prescribed format devised by respective Regional Offices.
28. Any other duties assigned by the bank as and when assigned.
The maximum age for continuation of BC supervisors will be 65 years
Selection Process:
The selection will be held through an interview process by a committee headed by Regional Head. Based on the recommendations of the committee, the Regional Head would approve the appointment of individual BC Supervisor
How to Apply:
Duly Filled Application With Enclosure Of Education Qualification And Other Relevant Documents Sent In Hard Copy Only Will Be Considered Valid. Please Sent The Application On Below Mention Address With Title On Envelope Stating As “application For The Post Of Business Correspondent Supervisor On Contractual Basis”
Bank of Baroda Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Supervisor 49 Posts
15 July
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