National Council of Educational Research and Training Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.NCERT inviting applications for the positions of Assistant Professor.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on Aug 03rd, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Assistant Professor - 144 Posts
Qualification Details:
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an apex organization for Educational Research, Teacher Training and Development of Curriculum and Instructional material in school education, invites online applications for filling up 266 various academic positions under direct recruitment through interview for its constituent units all over India. These posts are transferable amongst the constituent units of the Council located in Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore and Shillong & New Delhi.
1. Post Name: Assistant Professor/ Assistant Librarian
2. No of Post: 144 (These posts are available in various subjects)
3. Salary: Assistant Professor/Assistant Librarian: Academic level 10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs.57,700/-(Pre-revised scale of pay : Rs.15,600-39,100 with AGP-6,000)
4. Essential Qualification:
i. Psychology: 1. M.A. in Psychology with 55% marks. 2. NET in Psychology
ii. Psychology /Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A. (Education)/ M.A. in Psychology with 55% marks 2. NET in Education/Psychology
iii. Psychometry: 1. M.A. in Psychology/M.Ed or M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education/Psychology
iv. Measurement & Evaluation: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. Ph.D. in Education
v. Sociology of Education: 1.M.Ed./ M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2.M.A. in Sociology with 55% marks 3. NET in Education
vi. Philosophy of Education: 1. M.Ed./M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2. M.A. in Philosophy with 55% marks. 3. NET in Education
vii. Special Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
viii. Women's Studies/ Gender Studies/ Girls' Education and Empowerment: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
ix. Teacher Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
x. Science Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2. M.Sc. in Physics/ Chemistry /Botany/Zoology/Life Science with 55% marks 3. NET in Education
5. i. Elementary Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
ii. Social Science Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2. M.A. in Sociology/ Geography/History/Econom ics/Political Science with 55% marks 3. NET in Education
iii. Comparative Education: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
iv. Curriculum Development / Research/ Policy: 1. M.Ed./ M.A. (Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Education
v. Educational Technology - Graphics, Multimedia: 1. M.Ed. / M.A.(Education)/ M.Tech. (ET/ICT/ELearning/ On line learning)/ P.G. in Fine Arts/Visual Art/Design/Multimedia/ Computer Application/ Computer Science with 55% marks 2. NET in Fine Arts/Visual Art/Design/Multimedia/ Computer Application/ Computer Science/ Education
vi. Educational Technology -Media Production, ICT: 1. PG in Journalism/Mass Communication/M.Tech (Educational Technology/ICT/ M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Journalism/Mass Communication/ Education
vii. Educational Technology – AudioVideo Media Production: 1. PG in Journalism/Mass Communication/M.Tech (Educational Technology/ ICT) / M.Ed./ M.A.(Education) with 55% marks 2. NET in Journalism/Mass Communication/ Education
viii. Educational Statistic: 1. M.Ed. / M.A. (Education)/ PG in Statistic with 55% marks. 2. NET in Education/Statistic
ix. Child Development/ ECCE: 1. M.Ed./ M.A.(Education)/ Master Degree in Psychology/Home Science with 55% marks. 2. NET in Education/ Psychology/Home Science
x. Mathematics: 1. M.Sc. in Mathematics with 55% marks 2. NET in Mathematics
6. Assistant Librarian: 1. A Master’s Degree in Library Science, Information Science or Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree, with at least 55% marks. 2. A consistently good academic record with knowledge of computrisation of Library. 3. NET in concerned subject.
7. For more Qualification Details Candidates must Check In Official Notification
Application Fee:
Applicants {UR (Male)/OBC (Male)/EWS (Male)}are required to pay a fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) through online payment mode. No other mode of payment will be accepted. No application fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women.
General Conditions:
1. Candidates should fill in the details to register and then fill the information in the online application form at the appropriate places very carefully as per the instructions available on the website.
2. Fields with STAR (*) mark are mandatory and essential to be filled in by the candidate. When all the required information have been provided, click submit button. However, before clicking “Submit” button, candidate must make sure that no changes are required and the information provided is correct and final. After application is submitted, no changes will be entertained.
3. While filling up the details in the application online, candidates are also required to upload their scanned recent/latest colour passport size photograph , applicant’s signature and all the relevant documents. The candidates for the posts advertised have to keep a set of application with documents duly photocopied with him/her for record and the same to be produced at the time of verification of document/ interview, if shortlisted..
4. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she should submit separate application online along with the requisite fee for each post applied for. All the online applications should be ompleted in all respects. Only one application for individual post from one applicant will be accepted.
5. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms as per the advertisement.
6. The candidate should meet the eligibility criteria and provide the information which he/she possesses as on the last date of submission of the application. Candidates who have not acquired/will not acquire the educational qualification as on the closing date of receipt of application will not be eligible and need not apply. Candidate will not be allowed to add any documents to their applications after the submission of the application.
7. Only Indian Nationals need to apply
8. The relaxation in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/ Persons with Disabilities category is provided in accordance with the UGC/GOI/NCERT rules.
9. NCERT reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility qualifications etc. in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview and reject the application without assigning any reason/change the number of posts.
10. Any dispute with regard to the recruitment will be subjected to the Courts having jurisdiction in Delhi only.
Selection Process:
1. The names of the candidates for document and eligibility verification will be displayed on the website of the Council. Upon successful verifications of eligibility, the shortlisted candidates will be allowed for interview. The shortlisted non-local candidates will be entitled for the payment of travelling allowance restricted upto 3rd AC train fare (except for Special trains like Rajdhani, Shatabadi, etc.) or the actual fare whichever is less. No request for change of schedule of the interview shall be entertained. No correspondence will be made with applicants who are not called for verification
2. Candidate in their own interest are advised to remain updated with the selection / recruitment process by visiting our website regularly for any further instruction/ information.
3. Final result of the selected candidates will be displayed on NCERT website. The Council will not enter into correspondence with the candidates about reasons for their non-selection in the recruitment process. Interim enquiries will not be entertained.
How to Apply:
1. Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online only through the NCERT website at Announcement-Vacancy- Academic. No other means/ mode of submission of applications will be accepted. The schedule of ONLINE registration is as follows:-
2. Commencement of Online Registration on NCERT website 29-06-2020
3. Last Date of Online Registration and apply online 03-08-2020 up to 05.00 pm
4. Before applying for the post, t h e candidates must have a valid email id and mobile number through which he/she will g e t registered with the online application portal
5. Candidates are required to visit NCERT website where complete advertisement, details regarding eligibility criteria, selection procedure, application fee, online registration and general conditions are available.
NCERT Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Assistant Professor 144 Posts
30 June
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