Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.MORTH inviting applications for the positions of Technical Consultant.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on July 10th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Technical Consultant - 04 Posts
Qualification Details:
1. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways proposes to engage 4 Technical Consultants for a period of 2 years as detailed below:-
(a) Technical Consultant (Standard & Research) - 2 nos.
(b) Technical Consultant (Road Safety Engineering Zone) - 2 nos.
2. Qualification: Graduate in Civil Engineering.
3. Experience: (For technical Consultant (Standard & Research)) Minimum 5 years of experience in research, planning, designing, construction, maintenance and operation of National Highways
ii. Good Knowledge of IRC Codes/Standard and Specification of Bridge/ Highway
4. Desirable: i. Post-Graduation/Ph. D.
ii. Good professional track record.
iii. Experience with State or Central Government
iv. Strong Communication Skills both oral written/typing
5. Period of engagement: - The initial period of engagement of Consultant(s) would be for a period of maximum 2 (two) years. After expiry of the initial term, engagement may be extended, based on requirement of Ministry and performance of Consultant(s) concerned, with the approval of competent authority, for a maximum period of one year beyond 2 years.
6. Emoluments: The maximum amount of monthly consolidated remuneration payable to the Consultants shall be Rs 55,000. Fee/Remuneration of consultant(s) will increase by 5% per annum.
7. Allowances: The Consultants shall not be entitled at any allowance/benefits such as Dearness Allowance, Transport Facility, Residential Accommodation, Personal Staff, CGHS, and Medical Reimbursement etc. However, Conveyance Allowance shall be paid as per Rs 6,500/ per month.
Age: The maximum age limit for Consultant shall be 65 years as on 1.4.2020.
Section Officer (S&R Division) Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Room No. 333, Transport Bhawan, Sansand marg, New Delhi- 110001
Selection Process:
All the applications received in response to the advertisements will be scrutinized and short-listed. Thereafter, the Screening-cum-Selection Committee would recommend the consultant by taking an interview.
How to Apply :
1. Interested candidates may send his/her application in the enclosed format on following address:
2. Section Officer (S&R Division) Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Room No. 333, Transport Bhawan, Sansand marg, New Delhi- 110001 Email:-
3. Last Date of Application: 10.07.2020.
MORTH Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Technical Consultant Posts
13 June
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