Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.APPSC inviting applications for the positions of General Duty Medical Officer.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on July 17th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
General Duty Medical Officer - 69 Posts
Qualification Details:
Online applications are invited from the citizens of India for filling up 69(sixty nine) posts of General Duty Medical officer fAllopathy), under the Department of Health & Family welfare, Govt.ofArunachalPradeshinthePayscaleof PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100/- Grade payof Rs. 5400/- PM plus NPA as admissible under rule. out of 69 [sixty nine) posts, 55 ffifty five posts are reserved for APST candidates, 14 [fourteen] posts are un-reserved and 3% of posts from 55 [fifty five.) posts are reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) candidates. The vacancy position is subject to variation.
1. Eligibility: i) A recognized medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or part-ll of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifrcation) of the Indian Medical council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational qualification included in the Part-ll of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the condition stipulated in sub-section [3] of the section [13) of the Indian Medical CouncilAct, 1956.
ii) The Candidates who may not have completed compulsory rotating internship are also eligible to apply for the written examination as the case may be provided that at the time of actual interview, they shall have to produce proof of successful completion of the compulsory internship.
2. Number of Post: 01.
3. Pay Scale: Rs 15,600 to 39,100/- P.M.
4. Candidates who is on internship after qualifying the requisite examination shall also be eligible' However, such candidates will be admitted to the examination, if otherwise eiigible but their admission shall be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation. if they do not produce the proof of having completed internship which are required to be submitted to the Commission by the Candidates who qualify, in Written part of the examination prior to interview/viva-voice. Their candidature wili be finally accepted on production of Proof of HAVING PASSED THE QUALIFYING EXAMINATION IN ORIGINAL ON OR BEFORE THE DATE OF INTERVIEW TO BE FIXED BY THE COMMISSION FAILING WHICH THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO APPEAR FOR THE INTERVIEW VIVA-VOCE TEST. if due ro non holding of convocation the degree certificate cannot be produced then marksheet issued by competent authority should be produced as proof of having passed the qualifying examination and for the candidates of recognized Autonomous Colleges, THE MARKSHEET/GRADE REPORT IN ORIGINAL, issued by the Controller / Dy. Controller / Assistant Controller / Chief Controller of the examination of such recognized autonomous colleges shall only be accepted.
The decision of the Corrrmission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be fina1 and binding. No candidate shall be admitted to the Written Examination unless he/she holds a certificate of Admission fiom the Commission for that purpose.
Not exceeding 30 years as on 17 /07 /2020 (Relaxable for SC/ST candidates etc by 5 years in accordance with instructions issued by the State Government.
Application Fee:
Candidates are required to pay Fee of Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty) only through oniine mode only.
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, ITANAGAR.
Selection Process:
The eligible candidate will have to appear in written examination in the following subjects followed by Viva-Voce to be conducted by the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission(APPSC) on the basis of which selection will be finalized.
How to Apply :
(a) Before applying online Application for the post. candidate must mandatoriiy register themselves in ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) (
b) Candidates are required to apply online using the website ( Detail instructions for One Time Registration (OTR) and Online Application are available on the above-mentioned website. The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation. if he/she submits another/mu1tiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application u,ith the higher Registration IDs (RJD) is complete in all respect like applicants detaiis, photograph. signature, photo ID. fee etc The applicants who are submitting multipie applications should note that onil,the applications with higher RID shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shail not be adjusted against any other RID.
(c) Those who have already registered in OTR need not register again and they can directly log in to fill up online form using their user ID and password. Last date: 17.7.2020.
d) Scanned copies of following documents and information are to be uploaded: (i) Signature of the candidate on white paper with black ink pen (20-60 kb in jpg formar).
(ii) Latest/Recent passporl size photo (40-100 kb in jpg format).
e) The candidates who have been declared qualified in the written examination will have to submit Xerox copies of the following documents/information to the Commission before one week from the actual date of Interview.
i .Recent passport size photograph.
ii. Self Attested Xerox copies of certificates and marksheets issued by the Assistant Registrar/Registrar/Controller of Examination/Vice-Chancellor of the concerned University to ascertain degree.
iii. Self Attested Xerox copy of Matriculation Certificate for proof of age issued by the Board only willbe accepted.
iv. Self Attested Xerox copy of APST certificate and copy of PRC in case of General candidates.
v. All the supporting documents submifted by the candidates must be seif attested other wise the application will be rejected.
vi. Self Attested Xerox copy of Arunachal Pradesh Medical Council Registration Certificate.
vi. Persons with Disabilities [PwD) candidates should submit disability certificate obtained from State Medical Board. Such board should comprise a specialist of the particular category of disability for which the certificate is sought for, failing which such certificate will be rejected.
vii. Qualified candidates will have to produce the above mentioned Certificates/Documents and marksheets in original at the time of intervierv, failing which he/she lvill not be allowed to appear in the interview.
viii. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of candidate for admission to written examination or selection wili be final and no correspondence or personal enquiry will be entertained.
APPSC Jobs Recruitment 2020 - General Duty Medical Officer 69 Posts
16 June
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