Neyveli Lignite Corporation Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.NLC inviting applications for the positions of Assistant Manager.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on April 07th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Assistant Manager - 15 Posts
Qualification Details:
1. Post: Assistant Manager (Survey)
2. Educational Qualification: Diploma in Mining (or) Mining & Mine Survey (or) Mine Survey. and Mine Surveyor’s certificate of competency under CMR 2017.
3. Minimum Post qualification experience of 05 years in the area of Mine surveys & Leveling
4. Pay Scale: 40000 - 140000, 10.91 Lakhs
5. Place Of Posting: Selected candidates are liable to be posted to any Unit / Area / Place under the control of NLC India Limited or in any Joint Venture / Associate / Subsidiary company of NLC India Limited
Age: Upper age limit 35 years
Application Fee:
Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of INR.854/- [INR 500/-towards Application fee plus INR 354/- (inclusive of 18% GST) towards Processing fee] through ONLINE, using State Bank Collect facility available at belonging to SC/ST/PwBD& Ex-Servicemen categories are exempted from paying application fee. However, they have to pay a nonrefundable amount of INR.354/- (inclusive of 18% GST) towards processing fee.
General conditions:
1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
2. All qualifications should have been acquired from Indian Universities/Institutes, recognized by UGC or AICTE (whichever is applicable) or any other appropriate statutory authority in India.
3. Candidates who possess the notified qualification only are eligible to apply.
4. Candidates from PSE/Govt./Quasi Govt. should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of Interview.
5. Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions.
6. Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for Interview / Selection. NLCIL India Limited reserves the right not to fill up any or all the posts notified at its discretion and vacancies may also be increased / decreased depending upon organizational requirements.
7. Candidates called for Personal Interview are eligible for reimbursement of Travelling expenses (II class Sleeper fare in any Train or Bus Fare as the case may be) for their travel from the Communication address to the Personal Interview venue by the shortest route, subject to production of proof for travel and NOC (incase of candidate working in PSE/ Govt./ Quasi Govt.).
8. The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to being found Medically Fit as per the prescribed health standards of NLCIL and they will be required to undergo medical examination by the Industrial Medical Officer of the Company, prior to being appointed after due selection.
9. Candidates will be called for selection based on Self certified information along with copies of testimonials uploaded by them. They should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of Interview failing which such candidates will not be permitted to appear for the interview and Travelling Allowance will not be reimbursed to them.
1. Recent passport size Colour photograph, taken after 01/01/2020
2. Scanned image of candidate’s signature (in dark Blue or Black ink).
3. Proof for Date of Birth (Birth Certificate (or) SSLC / Matriculation / HSC Mark Sheet).
4. Copy of AADHAR Card
5. Proof for possessing notified Qualifications (either Provisional or Diploma /Degree / Post Graduate Degree Certificate(s) and Consolidated or Semester wise Mark Sheet(s) in chronological order].
7. Copy of latest Pay Slip or Pay Certificate.
8. Proof for minimum two years’ experience in the immediate lower scale (wherever applicable).
9. Community Certificate (in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-NCL categories).
10. Disability Certificate in case of PwBD candidates.
11. Proof for Ex-servicemen Viz. Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen, etc.
NLC India Limited, Block-1, Neyveli-607 801, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu
Selection Process:
Selection will be based on Personal Interview. However, the management reserves the right to conduct Screening Test for short listing the candidates for Personal Interview.The exact date & venue of the selection will be hosted in NLCIL website apart from sending SMS to shortlisted candidates to their registered mobile number to download the Call Letter in the NLCIL website using their registered e-mail id and password.Minimum qualifying marks in the personal interview will be 50% for General (UR) / EWS & 40% for OBC (NCL) / SC/ST candidates
How to Apply:
1. Candidates should apply only through online mode in NLCIL website No manual / paper applications will be entertained directly.
2. After submitting applications through ONLINE, candidates should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with self-attested copies of certificates / documents, at the time of document verification to be conducted prior to Personal Interview. Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates for written test / interview will be solely based on documents / certificates uploaded by the candidates at the time of registration / submission of application through ONLINE. Before registering / applying online, the candidates should ensure that they have valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid at least for one year or till the recruitment process is completed.
3. The Online application portal will be active from 10:00 hours on 18-03-2020 to 17:00 hours on 07-04-2020. Candidates should submit single application only. In case of multiple applications / registrations, the last registered applications shall only be considered.
NLC Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Assistant Manager 15 Posts
14 March
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