Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.GJUS inviting applications for the positions of Assistant Professor.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on March 27th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Assistant Professor - 15 Posts
Qualification Details:
Online applications are invited on the prescribed form for the posts of Assistant Professor in various University Teaching Departments on regular basis. Last date for submission of online applications is 27.03.2020. Detailed information with regard to number of posts, qualifications, specialisation, selection criteria, etc. may be seen on the University website
1. Department: Economics, English, Hindi, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering.
2. A. i) A Master’s degree with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned/relevant/allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET or who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time as the case may be exempted from NET/SELT/SET: Provided, the candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme prior to July 11, 2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Ordinances/Bye-laws/Regulations of the Institution awarding the degree and such Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement of NET/SELT/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities/Colleges/institutions subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:- a) The Ph.D. degree of the candidate has been awarded in a regular mode; b) The Ph.D. thesis has been evaluated by at least two external examiners; c) An open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate has been conducted; d) The Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work, out of which at least one is in a refereed journal; e) The candidate has presented at least two papers based on his/her Ph.D. work in conferences/seminars sponsored/funded/sported by the UGC/ICSSR/CSIR or any similar agency. The fulfillment of these conditions is to be certified by the Registrar or the Dean (Academic Affairs) of the University concerned. Note: NET/SLET/SET shall also not be required for such Masters Programmes in disciplines for which NET/SLET/SET is not conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET. iii) A relaxation of 5% shall be allowed at the Bachelor’s as well as at the Master’s level for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Classes (OBC)(Noncreamy Layer)/Differently-abled ((a) Blindness and low vision; (b) Deaf and Hard of Hearing; (C) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid-attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under (a) to (d) including deafblindness) for the purpose of eligibility and assessing good academic record for direct recruitment. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based only on the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedure. iv) A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19 September, 1991. v) A relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55%, wherever the grading system is followed by a recognized university, at the Master’s level shall also be considered valid.
OR B. The Ph.D. degree has been obtained from a foreign university/institution with a ranking among top 500 in the World University Ranking (at any time) by any one of the following: (i) Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) (ii) the Times Higher Education (THE) or (iii) the Academic Ranking of World University (ARWU) of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai). Note: The Academic score as specified in Table-A shall be considered for short-listing of the candidates for interview only, and the selections shall be based only on the performance in the interview.
3. Pay Bands: Assistant Professor – Academic Pay Level-10.
There will be no age bar for these posts. The age of superannuation for the above posts will be sixty years.
Application Fee:
The fee of Rs.800/-(Rs.200/- for SC/BC/EBP/ESM/PWD and Rs.400/- for female candidates) may be deposited either through Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card and separately for each post.
Important Instruction:
i). The UGC’s/ AICTE’s qualifications will be applicable for the posts of Assistant Professor. The detail of posts with reservation is available at page No.2 and qualifications are available at page No.5 and 6. Criteria for shortlisting of candidates is available at page No.7 and 8. The selections shall be based only on the performance in interview.
ii). The prescribed application format is available on the University website to apply online. The fee of Rs.800/-(Rs.200/- for SC/BC/EBP/ESM/PWD and Rs.400/- for female candidates) may be deposited either through Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card and separately for each post. The Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card transaction charges will be extra as applicable. If the candidate applies for more than one post/ department, he/ she is required to deposit the fee separately for each post and apply separate application form.
iii). The online application forms are available on the University website w.e.f. 05.03.2020 from 9:00 a.m.
iv). Last date for payment of fee through Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card is 26.03.2020.
v). The downloaded copy of application form duly filled in along with attested copies of certificates/ testimonials and all other documents, educational qualifications, research publications and experience etc. should reach the office of Deputy Registrar(Faculty) of this University latest by 14.04.2020, positively. List of publications should include ISSN No., Scopus Index published in Peer-Reviewed or UGC-listed Jouals. The candidate must be eligible on the last date for submission of online application form as per the prescribed qualifications. Those who have already applied in response to University Advt. No.1/2019 for the posts of Assistant Professor in Hindi and English, for which interviews are yet to be held, have to apply afresh against this advertisement, if they so desire. Those who are in service should send their application through proper channel.
vi). Benefit of reservation and concession in application fee is applicable to the candidates from Haryana only.
vii). The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts or it may not fill any of the posts advertised without assigning any reason.
viii). The degrees obtained by the candidates through Distance Education Mode/ Correspondence Mode must be approved by AICTE-UGC-DEC (now DEB) and proof of the same be enclosed.
ix). Before submission of online application form, the candidate must have scanned his/ her latest photograph and signature in JPEG/JPG format only, for uploading as a part of submission of online application. The latest photograph must be a PASSPORT SIZE with maximum dimension of maximum size (width 132px, height 170px) minimum size(width 102px, height 140px).
x). Signature must be done by the candidate himself/ herself in a white paper with a black pen. The signature image maximum size (width 210px, height 80px) minimum size (width 210px, height 40px).
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar.
Selection Process:
A written test/ seminar may also be conducted before interview if the University feels it necessary in any case.
How to Apply:
The online application forms are available on the University website w.e.f. 05.03.2020 from 9:00 a.m. . Last date for payment of fee through Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card is 26.03.2020. The downloaded copy of application form duly filled in along with attested copies of certificates/ testimonials and all other documents, educational qualifications, research publications and experience etc. should reach the office of Deputy Registrar(Faculty) of this University latest by 14.04.2020, positively. List of publications should include ISSN No., Scopus Index published in Peer-Reviewed or UGC-listed Jouals. The candidate must be eligible on the last date for submission of online application form as per the prescribed qualifications. Those who have already applied in response to University Advt. No.1/2019 for the posts of Assistant Professor in Hindi and English, for which interviews are yet to be held, have to apply afresh against this advertisement, if they so desire. Those who are in service should send their application through proper channel.
GJUS Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Asst Professor 15 Posts
07 March
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