ECHS Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.ExServicemen Contributory Health Scheme inviting applications for the positions of Lab Technician,Officer and More Posts.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on March 02nd, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Lab Technician,Office and More - 62
Qualification Details:
1. Post: Medical Medical Specialist
2. Qualification : MD/MS in Spectallty concerned
3. Experience : Min 3 years expenence in the speciality afrer Post Graduation
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs.1,00.000/-
1. Post: Gynaecologist
2. Qualification : MBBS
3. Experience : Min 3 years expenence in the speciality afrer Post Graduation
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs 75000/-
1. Post: Medical Officer
2. Qualification : BDS
3. Experience : Min 3 years work experience
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs 75000/-
1. Post: Radiographer
2. Qualification : Diploma/Ciass 1 Radiographer Course ( Armed)
3. Experience : Minimum 5 years experience
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs.28100/-
1. Post: Lab Technician
2. Qualification : BSc (Medical Lab Technician) or 10 +2 with science DMLT Class 1 Lab Technician course
3. Experience : Minimum 5 years experience
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs.28100/-
1. Post: Physiotherapist
2. Qualification : Diploma/ Class 1 Physiotherapy Course (Armed)
3. Experience : Min 5 years expenence as a physiotheraptst
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs.28100/-
1. Post: Driver
2. Qualification : Must passect tass - 8" Class I Dnver l4T (Armed Forc€s) Holding a civil drjving license (LMV)
​​​​​​​3. Experience : Min 5 years expeflence as a Driver
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs.Rs.19700/-
1. Post: Peon
2. Qualification : Must passed class 8TH or GD Trade
​​​​​​​3. Experience : Min 5 years expeflence as a Driver
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs 16,800/-
​​​​​​​1. Post: Clerk
2. Qualification : Guraduate/class 1 ClericalTrade (Armed Forces)
​​​​​​​3. Experience : Minimum 5 years experience as a clerk/ omce clerjc€l job.
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs 16,800/-
​​​​​​​1. Post: Safaiwala
2. Qualification : Literate
​​​​​​​3. Experience : Mrnrmum 5 years expenence as a Safaiwala
4. Gross Monthly Remuneration :Rs 16,800/-
Age: Age : 55 - 70 years
Stn ,H-Q EGHS, Fort Saint George, Chennai- 09
Selection Procedure:
Shortlisted candidates Will Be Called For Interview through SMS/Email.
How to Apply:
Individual application for each post as per format available on (duly affixed with Passport size photo) in duplicate along with all supporting documents muit reach Stn H-Q EGHS, Fort Saint George, Chennai- 09 on or betore 02 Mar 2020. Kindly write the envelope "Application for the post of .. Incomplete apptilition in any form will be rejected.
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