National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.NHRIMH inviting applications for the positions of Junior Hindi Translator, Special Educator, etc.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on Dec 26th, 2019.
Post and Vacancies:
Junior Hindi Translator - 01 Post
Special Educator - 01 Post
Speech Therapist - 01 Post
Psychiatric Social Worker - 01 Post
Medico Social Worker - 01 Post
Consultant Psychiatrist - 01 Post
Clinical Psychologist - 01 Post
Pathologist - 01 Post
Associate Professor - 01 Post
Professor - 02 Posts
Junior Hindi Translator:
Qualification Details:
1. Position: Junior Hindi Translator
2. Essential Quaulification: Master's Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at degree level Diploma or Certificate in translation from Hindi to and vice versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government Offices, Government Autonomous bodies.
3. Month remuneration: Rs.30 000/- Consolidated
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
Application Fee:
Application fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (non-refundable) drawn in favour of "Director General, CCRH" payable at New Delhi should accompany the application. Applications received without the requisite fee will be summarily rejected. There will be no application fee for women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen. Such candidates will have to submit along with the application from
Special Educator:
Qualification Details:
1. Position: Special Educator
2. Essential Qualification: B.Ed. Special Education or its equivalent from a Rehabilitation Council of India RCI Recognised Institute and must be rejistered with RCI.
3. Month remuneration: Rs.30 000/- Consolidated
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
Application Fee:
Application fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (non-refundable) drawn in favour of "Director General, CCRH" payable at New Delhi should accompany the application. Applications received without the requisite fee will be summarily rejected. There will be no application fee for women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen. Such candidates will have to submit along with the application from
Speech Therapist:
Qualification Details:
1. Position: Speech Therapist
2. Essential Qualification: Bachelors degree in Audiology language and Speech pathology or an equivalent qualification awarded by the recognized University, Registration in the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
3. Desirable Qualification: One years experience clinical in and Audiolgy in medical institute of repute
4. Month remuneration: Rs.40 000/- Consolidated
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
Application Fee:
Application fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (non-refundable) drawn in favour of "Director General, CCRH" payable at New Delhi should accompany the application. Applications received without the requisite fee will be summarily rejected. There will be no application fee for women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen. Such candidates will have to submit along with the application from
The Officer Incharge, National Homoeopathy Research Institute In Mental Health, Sachivothamapuram P.o., Kottayam - 686 532 (Kerala)
General Instructions:
1. The selection will be made for the NHRIMH, Kottayam.
2. Retired candidates from service with teaching experience shall be given preference for the academic posts.
3. The eligibility of the candidates, including age limit, will be determined as on the last date of receipt of application.
4. The candidates who fulfil the eligibility requirement may apply in the prescribed forms along with self attested photocopies of the testimonials of qualifications, experience, mark sheet, birth certificates, registration certificate and two passport size photographs etc. Pension payment Orders (in case of retired personnel). Entries in the application form should be supported by the relevant documents.
5. The Candidates already in Govt. service must follow the prescribed procedure for applying through proper channel.
6. The appointment will be made purelyoncontract basis initially fora period ofoneyear.
7. The candidates, if employed with any University/CoIlege/Autonomous Body/Govt. or private sector may bring NOC from their employer at the time Of interview.
8. Application fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (non-refundable) drawn in favour of "Director General, CCRH" payable at New Delhi should accompany the application. Applications received without the requisite fee will be summarily rejected. There will be no application fee for women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen. Such candidates will have to submit along with the application from, requisite documentary proof in support of their belonging to one of the exempted categories.
9. The number of vacancies may vary depending upon the requirement at the time of final selection.
10. The Competent Authority reserves the right to change/modify/caneel the recruitment exercise for any post at any stage without assigning any reason. The competent authority reserves the right to terminate the contractual engagement at any time without assigning any reason.
Selection Process:
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview
How to Apply:
1. The last date of receipt of application shall be 4.00 PM within 15 days from the date of advertisement.
2. Incomplete applications and those received after the closing date will not be considered.
3. Applications as per the prescribed format, complete in all respects should be sent by Speed Post/regd. Post Addressed To: The Officer Incharge, National Homoeopathy Research Institute In Mental Health, Sachivothamapuram P.o., Kottayam - 686 532 (Kerala)The envelopes should bear the superscription "Application for the post of (name of post) in NHRIMH, Kottayam.Advt. No. 23/2019
NHRIMH Jobs Recruitment 2019 - Jr Hindi Translator & more 13 Posts
17 December
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