Department of Atomic Energy Jobs Recruitment Notification 2020.Department of Atomic inviting applications for the positions of Scientific Assistant,Scientific Officer,Technician.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on January 10th, 2020.
Post and Vacancies:
Technician - 18 Posts
Scientific Officer - 02 Posts
Scientific Assistant - 15 Posts
Stenographer Grade-III - 03 Posts
Upper Division Clerk - 10 Posts
Driver - 30 Posts
Scientific Assistant:
Qualification Details:
Applications are invited ONLINE from eligible candidates to the following posts for appointment in Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD):
1. Scientific Assistant-B (Drilling)
a. Pay: Rs. 35,400/- (Cell No. 1 in the Level 6 of Pay Matrix) plus DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Govemment
b. Qua : Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Drilling Engineering (3 years course after SSC/10th Standard) from a recognized institution with minimum 60% marks in aggregate.
2. Scientific Assistant-B (Physics)
a. Pay: Rs. 35,400. (Cell NO. I in the 6 Of Pay Matrix) plus DA Other alkiwances as to Central Employees.
b. Qua : B.Sc., with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate from any recognized university/Institution.
3. Scientific Assistant-B (Survey )
a. pay: RS. 35,400/- (Cell No.l in the Level 6 of Pay Matrix) plus DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees.
b. Qua : Diploma in Civil/Survey Engineering (3 years course after SSC/10th Standard) from a recognized institution with minimum 60% marks in aggregate.
4. Scientific Assistant-B (Electrical )
a. pay: RS. 35,400,'- (Cell NO. 1 in the Level 6 Of Pay Matrix) plus DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees.
b. Qua : Diploma in Electrical Engineering (3 years course after SSC/10th Standard) from a recognized institution with minimum 60% marks in aggregate.
Age: 18-38 Years
Application Fee:
Technical Officer-C 250/-, Scientific Assistant-B 150/-, Technician-B (All disciplines) 100/-, Stenographer Grade III 100/-, Upper Division Clerk 100/-, Driver (Ordinary Grade) 100/-
Scientific Officer:
Qualification Details:
1. Scientific Officer,'C (Medical-General Duty)
2. pay: RS. 56100 /- (Cell NO. 1 in the Level 10 of Pay Matrix) Plus NPA (20% of Basic pay) plus usual DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Government
3. Qua : M.B.B.S with one year relevant experience after obtaining the requisite qualification. Candidate with one year experience will be considered for an additional increment at the time of recruitment subject to recommendation of the Selection Committee. Preference will be given to the candidates having institutional experience.
Age: 18-38 Years
Application Fee:
Technical Officer-C 250/-, Scientific Assistant-B 150/-, Technician-B (All disciplines) 100/-, Stenographer Grade III 100/-, Upper Division Clerk 100/-, Driver (Ordinary Grade) 100/-
Qualification Details:
1. Technician-B (Drillingmesemuto Mech.)
a. Pay: RS. 21,700/- (Cell No. 1 in the Level 3 of pay Matrix) plus DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Govemment Employees.
b. Qua : Min. marks in SSC or HSC Science and Maths Recognized Trade certificate (I.T. IINCVT) in DieseVAuto Mechanic trade Of not less than one year duration. Preference will be given to candidates having Working experience in Auto Mechanic'Diesel Mechanic trade in a reputed workshop
2. Technician-B (Electrical)
a. pay: RS. 21,700/- (Cell No. 1 in the Level 3 of Pay Matrix) plus DA & other allowances as admissible to Central Government
b. Qua : Min. 60% marks in SSC or HSC with Science and Maths
Recognized Trade certificate in Electrical trade of not less than one year duration. preference will be given to candidates having working experience inElectrical Trade preferably in cablinglwiring, installation and maintenance of HT/LT electrical equipments.
Age: 18-28 Years
Application Fee:
Technical Officer-C 250/-, Scientific Assistant-B 150/-, Technician-B (All disciplines) 100/-, Stenographer Grade III 100/-, Upper Division Clerk 100/-, Driver (Ordinary Grade) 100/-
General Instructions:
1. Applications will have to be submitted on-line only.
2. For detailed information and on-line application and payment of application fee, please login to website Facility for on-line submission of applications will be available from 21.12.2019 to 10.01.2020.
3. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. Candidates should ensure that they fill in the correct information. The candidate would be admitted to various stages of the recruitment process based on the information furnished by the candidate in his/her application. Only a summary scrutiny of the application would be made before the final stage of the recruitment process and detailed scrutiny of the eligibility of the candidate would be done only at the final stage of the recruitment process. As such, the candidature of the application shall remain provisional till detailed scrutiny is undertaken and the candidates found eligible in all respects.
4. AMD would be at liberty to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the post or if it comes to its notice that the candidate has furnished false information.
5. The decision of AMD shall be final in deciding the eligibility of the candidate. The mere fact that a call letter has been issued to the candidate and allowed to appear in the written exam/skill test will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted as true and correct.
6. In case the Universities/Board, award grades/CGPA/OGPA, the same will have to be indicated in equivalent percentage of marks as per the norms adopted by University/Board. In the absence of the same, the candidature will not be considered.
7. The date, time and venue for written test/Preliminary Test/Advance Test/Skill Test/ Stenography test/Driving Test will be intimated to the eligible candidates through e- mail/sms. Certificate verification/Level II exam for UDC/Advance Test & Skill test for Technicians / Stenography test for Stenographer Grade-III/driving test for Driver (Ordinary Grade)/Interview for Scientific Officer-C & Scientific Assistant-B for those who qualify in the written test will be held at Hyderabad only. Call letters will be made available on the website for download only to those who qualify for next level test.
8. In case of posts for which interview is not conducted, the results will be published only after verification of certificates of the candidates qualified in the concerned qualification test i.e. written test/Preliminary test/Advance Test/Skill Test/ Stenography test/Driving test etc.
9. Mere fulfilling the requirement as laid down in the advertisement does not entitle a candidate to be called for a written test/Preliminary Test/Advance Test/Skill Test/ Stenography test/Driving test/ Interview.
10. Candidates working under the Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc., should furnish a "NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" at the time of certificate verification/final stage of the recruitment process.
Selection Process:
1. Scientific Officer - written test followed by interview. Selection is based on the assessment by the appropriate Standing Selection Committee. Marks scored in the written examination will be used for short listing the candidates for personal interview
2. Scientific Assistant B Selection process consists of the following: 1. Written Test 2. Interview Selection procedure will involve initial screening test/written test followed by interview. Selection is based on the assessment by the appropriate Standing Selection Committee. Marks scored in the written examination will be used for short listing the candidates for personal interview
3. Technician- B - Stage-1 Preliminary Test, Stage-2 Advanced Test, Stage-3 Trade/Skill Test
4. Stenographer Grade III -Objective test, Stenography skill Test
5. Upper Division Clerk - Objectives test, English language and comprehension (Descriptive written test)
6. Driver - Written Test, Driving Test.
How to Apply:
1. In case response to any post is more, screening will be done through a screening test of the eligible candidates in order to short list the candidates to be called for the interview/skill test/Level-II test, etc.
2. The selected candidates will be governed by the new restructured defined Contribution Pension Scheme (National Pension Scheme), which has come into force with effect from 01.01.2004 vide Ministry of Finance Notification No.5/7/2003- ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003 and the provisions there under, by contributing monthly an amount of 10 percent of the Pay and Dearness Allowances and 14% contribution from Government.
3. The validity of operation of wait-list will be one year from the date of preparation of the Select Panel.
4. Record of the non-selected candidates shall not be preserved beyond 6 months from the date of formation of select list.
5. AMD reserves the right to fill up all the posts or alter the number of posts or even cancel the whole process of recruitment and change the Centre of examination without any notice.
6. AMD reserves the right to reject or accept the candidature of any applicant at any stage.
7. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Caste/Economically Weaker Section will have to submit Caste/EWS certificate in the prescribed format at the time of document verification.
a. Advertisement has been published in Employment News dated 21.12.2019 and in National and Local News papers dated 21.12.2019.
b. Last date for receipt of applications is upto 23:59.59 pm on 10.01.2020 Applications beyond this date & time will not be accepted.
c. Payment should be made before 23.55 hrs on 10.01.2020. On-line Payment will not be accepted beyond the prescribed time.
d. Canvassing in any form shall be a disqualification. Any legal disputes arising out of this notification are subject to Hyderabad jurisdiction only and in case of any dispute, English Version of Advertisement placed on Website will be taken as reference. ADVERTISEMENT NO. AMD-1/2019
AMD Jobs Recruitment 2020 - Officer & more 78 Posts
23 December
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