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North Western Railway Jobs Recruitment 2019 - Apprentice 2029 Posts

North Western Railway Jobs Recruitment Notification 2019.North Western Railway inviting applications for the positions of Apprentice.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.

Last Date for Submission of Application is on December 08th, 2019.

Post and Vacancies:
Apprentice - 2029

Qualification Details:
1. Trades Electrician (Coaching) Electrician ( Power) Electrician (TRD) Cyrwenter ( Engg) Painter Mason Pipe Fitter Fitter Carpenter ( Mech) Diesel Mechanic - (DRM Office), Ajmer 434
Qualification: ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

2. Trades Electrician Fitter Wireman Carpenter Mason Welder Gas & Electric) -  (DRM Office), Bikaner 422
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

3. Trades Fitter (Mechanical) Technician S T Technician C EIectric Technician (Electric T RD) - (DRM Office), Jaipur 487
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

4. Trades Diesel Mechanie (Mechanical) Diesel Electric Mechanical Mechanical Fitter Mechanical-C W Fitter Electric Power Fitter Electric -A.C. Fitter ( Electric Train-Lighting) - (DRM Office), Jodhpur 374
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

5. Trades Fitter Welder Painter Electrician -  B.T.C. Carriage. Ajmer 150
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

6. Trades DSL Mechanic Fitter Welder - (B.T.c. LOCO Ajmer) 52
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

7. Trades Vitter Electrician elder - (Carriage Workshop Bikaner) 33
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration

8. Trades Fitter Carpenter Welder (G&E) Painter (Gen) M.M.T.M. Machinist - (Carriage Worksh9p Jodhpur) 77
Qualification:  ITI pass in trade to be eligible for consideration
9. Minimum Qualification: The candidate must have passed I (Y h class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 500/0 marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by NCVT/SCVT.

Age: 15 - 24 Yrs.

Application Fee: Application fees (Non-refundable) - 100/-

Important Instructions:
1. The decision of the Railway administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications and mode of selection shall be final.
2. Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after successful completion of training. In terms of para-10 of Schedule V of the Apprenticeship Rules. 1991, notified on 15.07.92 by the Ministry of Labour, it shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to the Apprentice on completion of period of his/her apprenticeship training in his ! her establishment. It shall not be
3. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria, at any stage of engagement and if erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily dismissed without notice.
4. Candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled if he/she fails to produce the required original testimonials for verification or any othy: pancy mticed.
5. The Railway administrati0!i will not be responsib)e tor any printing error.

Selection Procedure:
Selection Will be on the basis of merit list

How to Apply:
1. Opening Date of Online Application: 08-11-2019
2. Date and time of closing of Online Application: 08-12-2019 till 17.00 Hrs.
3. Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting www. rrcjaipur.in Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE application will be available on the website.
4. Candidates trying to submit more than one application with different pårtiéålar:s like NäJfWFather's named community/Photo(face)/ educational E•and/or teéhnical qualifiggtiön etc. or with different Email ID/Mobile Number advi±d that all such applications will be summarily rejected.
5. Candidates have to keep printouts of their Online application. If found will be called för Document Verification and the print out of the online application is required to be produced at the time of Document Verificati6n.
6. North Western Railway, Railway Recruitment Cell. Power House Road. Jaipur-302006