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TANGEDCO Jobs Recruitment 2019 - Apprentice 500 Posts

TANGEDCO Jobs Recruitment Notification 2019.Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO) inviting applications for the positions of Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.

Last Date for Submission of Application is on October 25th, 2019.

Post and Vacancies:
Technician Apprentice - 250 Posts
Graduate Apprentice - 250 Posts

Other Qualification Details :- 

Graduate Apprentice -
Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), An under taking of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu, invites Online application from eligible Graduate/Diploma holders in Engineering (passed during 2017/2018& 2019 ), hailing from Tamilnadu, for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973.

1. Discipline: Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering/ Information Technology

2. Qualification: A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University in relevant discipline.  A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of Parliament in relevant discipline.

3. Duartion: A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University in relevant discipline. ï‚• A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of Parliament in relevant discipline.

4. Monthly Stipend (INR): 4984/-

5. Previous Experience: Candidates who have already undergone or are currently undergoing apprenticeship under Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973, and/or having one year or more experience are not eligible to apply

Age: Age limit will be followed as per Apprenticeship Rules.

Technician Apprentice -
Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), An under taking of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu, invites Online application from eligible Graduate/Diploma holders in Engineering (passed during 2017/2018& 2019 ), hailing from Tamilnadu, for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973.

1. Discipline: Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering/ Information Technology

2. Qualification: A Diploma in Engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline. A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a University in relevant discipline

3. Duartion: As prescribed in Clause 4 of the Apprenticeship Rule 1992, and amendments thereof if any.

4. Monthly Stipend (INR): 3542/-

5. Previous Experience: Candidates who have already undergone or are currently undergoing apprenticeship under Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973, and/or having one year or more experience are not eligible to apply

Age: Age limit will be followed as per Apprenticeship Rules.

Important Date :-
1. Online Application starting date 09.10.2019
2. Last date for enrolling in NATS portal 25.10.2019
3. Last date for applying TANGEDCO 05.11.2019
4. Handing over of database to TANGEDCO for conducting Certificate Verification 12.11.2019

Incomplete/erroneous Online Application Received After Due Date Will Be Rejected :-

Board of Apprenticeship training (SR)/ TANGEDCO has not entrusted / authorized any individual organization to coordinate (or) liaison our work. Candidates beware of touts and our office is not responsible for such unwanted incidentCanvassing / Pressuring through any source will disqualify the candidature and their name will be removed from our official records without prior intimation and this Board will not responsible for such cases.

Selection Procedure :-
The final rank list would be prepared according to categories General/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ WARD and would be handed over to TANGEDCO for conducting Certificate Verification further.

How to Apply :-
1. For students who have already enrolled in the National Web Portal and having login details:  Please note : After verification of student enrolment by BOAT (SR), a student can able to login and apply Step 1: a. Login b. Click Establishment Request Menu c. Click Find Establishment d. Upload Resume e. Choose Establishment name f. Type ‘TANGEDCO’ and search g. Click apply h. Click apply again.

2. For students who have not so far enrolled in the National Web Portal: tep 1: a. Go to www.mhrdnats.gov.in b. Click Enroll c. Complete the application form d. A unique Enrolment Number for each student will be generated. Note: Please wait for atleast one day for enrollment verification and approval. After this student can proceed to Step 2. Step 2 : a. Login b. Click Establishment Request Menu c. Click Find Establishment d. Upload Resume e. Choose Establishment name f. Type ‘TANGEDCO’ and search g. Click apply h. Click apply again. Last date for enrolling in NATS portal 25.10.2019