BEL Jobs Recruitment Notification 2018.Bharat Electronics Limited BEL inviting applications for the positions of Deputy Engineer.Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for the positions.
Last Date for Submission of Application is on March 14th, 2018..
Post and Vacancies :
Deputy Engineer - 23 Posts
Job Location : Bangalore
Salary: Rs. 40,000 - Rs. 1,40,000/- Per Month
Qualification Details:
1. Deputy Engineer (Computer Sc.): BE/ B.TECH / AMIE / B.Sc Engineering in Computer Science / Computer Science and Engineering / Computer Science Engineering Disciplines Only. First class for General & OBC Candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST/PWD (Person with Disability) candidates from an AICTE approved College/Institute or a recognized University.
2. Deputy Engineer ( Electronics): BE / B.TECH / AMIE / B.Sc Engineering in Electronics and Communication, Electronics, Telecommunication, Communication, Electronics and Telecommunication disciplines only.
3. Skill Sets required: Knowledge of Hibernate, JDBC, relational databases, and SQL. Knowledge of C++, LINUX .Knowledge on Serial/ LAN/modem interface development, Communication Protocols such as CSMA, TDMA,Ttp,TCP/IP,UDP, NTP,etc. Domain Knowledge of DDS( Open Splice/Vortex, RTI DDS, etc). Knowledge on Q. Knowledge of ETL and Analysis tools. Knowledge of Web crawlers and Open source intelligence domain . Knowledge on security fundamentals: Network security, SSL/TLS, application security. Basic knowledge on Public Key Infrastructure is advantageous. Understanding of network devices (Switches & Routers) and network storage devices (SAN).
4. RELEVANT POST QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE: Experience in Java/J2EE (JSP / Servlets / EJB/JMS/Portlets) and Java SE  Experience in working with XML/JSON. Experience in working with an IDE similar to Eclipse, Netbeans, Jboss developer studio, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, React, CSS /foundation/bootstrap etc. Experience in UI design using JavaScript/AJAX/Angular/CSS/HTML. Experience in Artificial intelligence technologies, OWL Ontologies, NLP and Machine Learning. Hands on experience of deploying Hadoop components - HDFS, Spark, Hbase, Hive, Sqoop and using it for Bigdata analytics. Hands on experience in configuring and deploying Network devices Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Load balancers. Experience in deploying devices with protocols like OSPF, BGP, MPLS, VPN, IPSec etc
Age: Upper age limit of 26 Yrs as on 01.02.2018. The upper age limit indicated is for candidates belonging to General Category. The upper age limit will be relaxable by 3 years for OBC candidates, 5 years for SC/ST and 10 years for PWD candidates having minimum 40% disability in addition to the relaxation applicable to OBC/SC/ST candidates.
Application Fee: General/OBC candidates are required to remit an amount of Rs. 500/- towards application fee through SBI Collect (through online mode or through SBI Branch). Candidates can also make the payment by approaching SBI branch. You have to select SBI branch in the payment option and download & print the challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee of Rs. 500/- plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official.
DY.GEN.MANAGER (HR/Mil Com), Military Communication SBU, Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru - 560 013
General Instructions:
1. The Cut-off date for deciding the maximum permissible age and experience (Post Qualification Experience) shall be 01.02.2018. In order to compute post qualification work experience, the period of work experience starting from the month immediately succeeding the month of final examination in which candidate acquire the essential educational qualification shall be considered. b) Experience certificates/Documents issued by the employer clearly indicating period of employment should be enclosed.
2. Candidates may also enclose a separate write up describing the relevant post qualification experience gained by them. c) Candidates working in PSUs/Government/Quasi Government organizations should submit the application through proper channel or produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview. Such candidates, who are unable to produce NOC at the time of interview, will not be interviewed.
3. In addition to Basic Pay, other allowances like Dearness allowance, House Rent Allowance, 35% of the Basic Pay as perquisites, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Group Insurance, Medical facilities, Provident Fund and Gratuity as per the Company's rules will be part of the remuneration package.
4. Candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed Sleeper class to and fro train fare by the shortest route (from their correspondence address). Request for change of category (GEN/SC/ST/OBC) once declared in the application will not be entertained.
5. Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for the interview/written Test. BEL reserves the right to shortlist the candidates based on the nature of past relevant experience acquired post prescribed qualification.
Selection Procedure:
Selection will be through a Written Test for shortlisted candidates, followed by an Interview, only for those candidates who qualify in the Written Test.
How to Apply:
1. Applications complete in all respects, may be sent to the DY.GEN.MANAGER (HR/Mil Com), Military Communication SBU, Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru - 560 013 on or before 14.03.2018.
2. Candidates who meet the above requirement may apply in the format available on the BEL website Applications should be accompanied by the following documents: i) SSLC/SSC/10th Certificate as proof of date of birth and any other valid document. ii) Semester wise marks cards of BE / B Tech / AMIE (Candidates who have completed bachelor’s degree after Diploma have to enclose all the semester copies of diploma certificates also) iii) BE / B. Tech /AMIE Degree Certificate. iv) Experience Certificate/s from previous employer/s and Appointment letter in case of present employer. v) A separate write up mentioning the details of the post qualification experience. vi) Caste / Disability certificate in case of SC / ST / PWD (if applicable, strictly in the prescribed formats, which are available on the BEL website. OBC certificate should be dated on or after 01.02.2017). vii) Online Payment Receipt. viii) No Objection Certificate (if applicable).
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