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DRDO Recruitment Notification 2018: Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate Posts

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Defence Research and Development Organisation Recruitment 2018 Jobs - DRDO Notification for the positions of Junior Research Fellow, Research Associate.Interested and Eligible Candidates can apply for the vacant posts

Last Date for Submission of Application is on January 20th, 2018..

Post and Vacancies :

1. Junior Research Fellow - 09

Educational Qualification : M.Sc, BDS

Salary : Rs. 25,000/- Per Month

Age : 35 years for RA & 28 years for JRF as on the date of interview. The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging for SC/ST candidates (5 years relaxation) and OBC candidates (3 years). Number of vacancies may change as per organizational requirement.

Other Qualifications : Essential Qualification: MSc in Chemistry/MSc in Life Sciences/ Biomedical Sciences/ Biochemistry/Physiology/ Biotechnology/MSc in Computer Sciences/ Electronics/ Physics/ Bachelor in Dental Science (BDS).Stipend: DRDO Junior Research Fellow (JRF): Rs.25,000/+HRA as per DRDO rules

2. Research Associate - 04

Educational Qualification : M.Phil/Ph.D

Salary : Rs. 40,000/- Per Month

Age: 35 years for RA & 28 years for JRF as on the date of interview. The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging for SC/ST candidates (5 years relaxation) and OBC candidates (3 years). Number of vacancies may change as per organizational requirement.

Other Qualifications: Essential Qualification: MSc with PhD in relevant Subject. Candidates having provisional degree certificate by the date of interview will also be eligible to apply. DRDO Research Associate (RA): Rs.40,000/+HRA as per DRDO rules

Job Location : New Delhi

Selection Process :

Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

How to Apply :

1. Reporting time is 0800h-0900h on Saturday, 20 January 2018, at Main Gate Reception, INMAS, Timarpur, Delhi. Latecomers will not be allowed at any cost. Application form can be downloaded from the website www.drdo.gov.in and should be brought duly filled along with complete bio-data on the date of interview.

2. Affix a recent passport size photograph on the right top corner of front page of application. Candidate will mention the Position, Post Code & Subject for which he/she appears.

3. Candidates will be essentially required to produce original certificates/testimonials w.r.t. qualifications & experience, for verification at the time of interview.

4. How to reach the venue of Interview: INMAS is located 1 km from Vishwa Vidyalaya Metro station Delhi towards Timarpur/Opposite to University of Delhi North Campus & Nearest Land Mark is SBI ATM SSPL Branch, Timarpur, Delhi.

5. Incomplete applications will be rejected during the screening for eligibility. Â· Antecedents of candidate will be verified again at the time of joining, if selected.

6. Offer of award of Fellowship/Associateship does not confer on the candidates, any right for absorption in DRDO. Â· No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview or for joining, if selected.Reference No: Ref: Our Advertisement vide DAVP no. 10301/11/0317/1718

Venue :

Main Gate Reception, INMAS, Timarpur, Delhi.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Walk-in-Interview :- 20/01/2018