Balmer Lawrie Recruitment Notification 2018 Jobs Notification for the positions of Unit Head.Interested and Eligible Candidates can apply for the vacant posts
Last Date for Submission of Application is on February 12th, 2018..
Post and Vacancies :
1.Unit Head - 01
Job Location:- Navi Mumbai
Qualification Details:
1. Minimum Qualification: 3 years Graduate (Non-Engg) in any discipline (only AICTE/ UGC/ MHRD/ AITA/UFTAA approved Institutes/ Universities)
2. Minimum Experience (Years): 12 years (5 years’ experience in TCW/ Cold Storage Operations is MANDATORY)
3. Job Description: Overall Store Management, Labour and Transport Management, Coordination with the Marketing team, Planning team, Dispatch Schedule, To closely interact with Marketing team improve capacity utilization. To bring in systems for timely billing, collection, and reconciliation. Coordinate with other crossfunctional departments for inbound/outbound planning & scheduling. Ensure timely revalidation and calibration of equipment in the temperature controlled warehouse.
Age: Maximum age as on the last date of receipt of applications should be 35 years.
General Conditions:-
a. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY and other criteria mentioned in this advertisement. BALMER LAWRIE & CO. LTD. being the Appointing Authority would be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which he/she has applied. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard
b. In case the post applied for is not mentioned clearly & correctly an application is LIABLE FOR BEING REJECTED SUMMARILY without any correspondence.
c. Incomplete applications, applications not as per the prescribed format or applications received after the due date ARE LIABLE FOR BEING REJECTED SUMMARILY without any correspondence.
d. Request for change of Mailing address / Email / category / posts as mentioned in the application will not be entertained
e. The prescribed qualification / experience are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate for shortlisting and or final selection. Candidates will be shortlisted based on the relevance and quality of experience vis-à -vis the requirements of the advertised role. The Company’s decision shall be final in this regard.
f. All qualifications should be AICTE/ UGC/ MHRD/ AITA/ UFTAA recognized and from AICTE/UGC/ MHRD recognized/ affiliated Institutes/ Colleges/ Universities.
g. The job description mentioned above is only indicative. It may change based on the requirement of the company and discretion of the management.
Selection Procedure:-
Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview
How to Apply:-
Online submission of application is permitted on the website between 0000 hours on 10.01.2018 till 2359 hours on 12.02.2018. Any communication as regards extension of last date of application shall be published on the Company’s website only.
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