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SIFL Jobs Notification 2018 for Skilled Worker Trainee Posts

Steel and Industrial Forgings Limited - SIFL 2018 Latest Jobs Notification. SIFL has released official notification for the vacancies of Skilled Worker Trainee. Check the eligibility and notification prior to apply for the positions.

Last Date for Submission of Application is on March 31st, 2018..

Post and Vacancies :

Skilled Worker Trainee - 04 Posts

Job Location :-  Thrissur

Qualification :

1. Post Name: Skilled Worker Trainee

2. Essential: 1. SSLC, 2. ITI (Machinist), 3. Completion of Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices Act 1961 in the relevant trade with ability to read and write in Malayalam and English, 4 Good physique and capable of doing all kinds of work assigned

3. Job Profile: To perform skilled work as required by the company.

4 .Responsibility: Perform the required task responsibly, ready to perform various tasks as assigned by the Supervisor, ready to learn and do further tasks as required by the company/supervisor with utmost dedication and sincerity.

5 .Details of Appointment including salary package: The appointees will be treated as trainees in the first year with a consolidated stipend of Rs.7,500/- p.m. On successful completion of the training period the incumbent will be placed on probation for a period of 2 years into the regular scale of pay in G-7 Grade Rs.8150-85-8320-95-8605-110-8935-135-9475. This Emolument includes DA at All India Consumer Price Index and applicable HRA. They are also eligible for getting allowances under LTA conditions as applicable to other permanent workers. Other Benefits on confirmation of services ï‚· Medical reimbursement/ESI, Leave Encashment, Contributory Provident Fund (CPF), Gratuity, Conveyance allowance, Accident Insurance etc.  During training period CPF & Employees State Insurance will be provided.

Address :
PO Box No.436, Thycaud PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 014 

Selection Procedure :
Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

How to Apply :
Application forms can be downloaded from the SIFL Website www.siflindia.com. Filled in application form along with the following documents should be send to PO Box No.436, Thycaud PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 014  Detailed CV with recent photograph pasted  Self-attested copies of certificates to prove age, qualification and experience  The envelope should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SKILLED WORKER TRAINEE (MACHINIST).  The application with all details should reach the PO Box Number on or before 31.03.2018. Application send otherwise than through the prescribed mode mentioned herein will not be accepted.